Chapter 4

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Edited 11/4/2015

The alarm and its incessant beeping have woken me up bright and early. Good thing too since we have to be at our new summer job by 8:30 which is only an hour and half away. I sit up and quickly regret that decision. My head is pounding. I shouldn’t feel like this after only one drink should I?

Maybe it is from spending so much time with Niall last night. What is this effect he has on me? I just don’t understand it at all. That is if I didn’t imagine the whole thing which is possible. Between jet lag, alcohol, and my wild imagination it is highly possible I made the whole thing up in my head or maybe it was a dream.

I head to the bathroom and shower quickly, trying to free up the bathroom for Tabby to get ready too. I am so glad her actual flat mate has that mirror hung on the wall. I get the feeling I will be using it daily to make myself presentable.

After wrapping one of the big fluffy towels around myself, I head back to my room to get dressed. Hmmm, I think I want to wear my red skirt. I love how it hits me perfectly just above my knee, just long enough for my first day as an intern. Now what to go with it? I grab my white sleeveless button up, that should work nicely but I need something to cover up with a bit…yes! I did remember to pack my navy cardigan. After getting dressed I look down at my outfit and am pleased, I look professional and still just flirty enough in case Niall does make an appearance today. I really hope that wasn’t a dream.

I take a bit more time than usual on my hair and makeup, opting to French braid my bangs and clip in a small red bow. The rest of my hair seems to be cooperating today and my natural waves need no help. I decide to keep my makeup kind of a red lip classic look, perfect for an office. I quickly remember to spray myself with my body spray and slip on my flats. My feet still ache from wearing pumps last night.

I make my way to the kitchen to look for something small for breakfast before we leave and find an apple, that’ll work. I sit down on the couch back in the living room to wait for Tabby. Oh, here she is! Clad in slacks and a purple button up, she looks very professional. Should I have dressed more like that?

“Ready to go? I am so nervous! Hopefully you got enough sleep last night, I get the feeling that we are in for a long day,” she says brightly.

“Yeah, I'm as ready as I'll ever be,” I say between bites of my apple.

We head off down stairs and out the door. It is a beautiful sunny day, rare for London from everything I have read. We walk to the end of the block to the subway, I mean, the tube. After we board and find open seats, I realize Tabby is staring at me expectantly. Wonder what that is about?

“So Em, how were you able to keep your cool around Niall Horan last night? I would have been a big melty puddle of drool if it were me,” she says excitedly. I forgot to ask her last night, I wonder how she knows him.

“Because he is gorgeous? I was freaking out on the inside the whole time, it wasn’t too obvious was it?” I really hope it wasn’t, that would be embarrassing if Niall knew.

“Uh…no. I mean because he is an international pop star! You are so lucky! He danced with you for a long time and looked like he was really enjoying himself, he couldn’t take his eyes off of you! I am so jelly!” she says hurriedly. Wait did she just say he is a pop star? Oh my. Now it all makes sense. I can’t believe I didn’t realize it. That was him on the poster back in our flat, the One Direction one.

“You probably are going to think I am an idiot but I had no clue. Are you sure it's the same Niall? He seems so normal aside from being the most beautiful man I've ever met,” maybe she is mistaken but even I can’t deny the similarity between the Niall I know and the one on the poster.

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