Chapter 10

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After another hour or so of snuggling with Niall on the couch, I get up to find my purse. Niall said I had forgotten it in the car last night and the driver brought it up after I ran. I find it on the coat rack near the door. I pull out my cell phone and see ten missed calls. Geez. I scroll through the list: three calls from Tabby, two from my parents, and five from Niall. He must have been pretty worried.

I decide to text Tabby first, just to let her know I'm okay.

*Hey I am at Niall's. Long story. Sick today, I'll tell you about it tonight.*

Next I decide to call my mom, I haven't called her in a few days. I check the clock to see if it is an appropriate time to call. Hmm if it is two in the afternoon here that makes it nine AM there. Perfect.

She answers after the first few rings, "Emily?!"

"Hi mom, sorry I haven't called, been busy."

"Too busy to call your own mother? England must really be something," she jokes. "How are you honey? You sound different."

"Just caught a cold, mom."

"Oh ok, try to get lots of rest honey. How is everything going? Made any friends?"

"Oh a couple, my roommate and I have gotten quite close....and I met someone," I brace myself, knowing my mom is going to over react.

"Really honey?! That is great! What's his name? What's he like?"

"His name is Niall Horan. He is pretty great mom, I think you will like him. He is a gentleman, smart, funny, and he can cook!" I look around, making sure he isn't within ear shot. I don't want him hearing me gush to my mom about him.

"That name sounds familiar. I'm glad you are enjoying yourself, just be careful. I don't want you getting swept off your feet too fast. You may enjoy the rush but the crash after is not to be taken lightly. What does this Niall do?"

"Oh, he is in the entertainment industry," I say, trying to be vague.

"What does that mean? Like an actor? Oh honey be careful that he isn't a starving artist. Don't let him mooch off of you," her words oozing with concern. I try to suppress the giggles trying to escape. If only she knew.

"Don't worry about it mom, he is fairly successful. I can take care of myself. But I should probably tell you he is taking me to the states with him for the weekend," I brace myself again.

"What?! Why would you travel with someone you just met?! Emily Grace you better be using your best judgment! I don't want anything to happen to you! How do you know you can trust him?"

Just then Niall walks back into the room and spots me, pinning me with his dazzling grin and blue eyes. "Mom, I will talk to you later, I have to go. I love you," hanging up before she can say anything else. I switch my phone to silent and put it back in my purse. By the time I have it hung back on the rack, he is right behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist and holds me tight. This is bliss.

"Feeling better, love?" he asks, hopeful.

"Actually, I am. Still not one hundred percent but getting there. It must be from my overly attentive caretaker."

"I wouldn't say overly attentive, how about caring and concerned?" he laughs. I love the sound of his laugh. He has been so relaxed today. I wonder if it will always be like this with him. Poised and pulled together in public, playful and flirty in private. "I am pleased that you are getting better, though," he whispers into my hair. I twist around in his arms to face him, placing my arms around his neck.

He plants a soft kiss on my forehead then puts his forehead against mine. I wish I were well enough for an actual kiss. He hasn't kissed me since our picnic date. "We need to get you home soon. You still have to pack."

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