Apologies are for Losers

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(Sorry this wasn't here sooner, homophobia warning)

'Hey man! If its serious, I'm free rn.'

'Yeah, can we get on call please? I don't really want to type it all out.'

'Of course J! just gimme a sec.'

*Incoming Call from Shoshi*

"Hey S.."

"Woah dude, you sound awful, have you been crying?"


"Alright, just let it all out. I'm Listening."

"Thanks, you're the best S."

"Of course J. Anytime."

"Well, the guy I like, today he left me a note in my locker, telling me to meet him in the music room. I went in there and he told me that he...Loved me."

"Oh shit...I don't like where this is going."

"Yeah, me neither. And then he, he kissed me....And I wanted to kiss him back but, I just, Couldn't. not after everything that's gone down recently. So I just, walked away. And now I don't know what to do, because I do love him but I just...can't say it. And I think I've messed everything up and he could be lying anyway."

"...Well, that's a lot to take in, but what reason would he have to lie to you? I mean, he did kiss you, right? That's gotta count for something. And I doubt you've 'messed everything up'. Just talk it over with him, explain where you were coming from, and go from there."

"Thanks Shoshi, I'll see what I can do, I'll keep you posted."

"You better! I'm worried about your queer ass."

"Hah, thanks, I'll talk to you soon."

"Talk to you soon J."

I hang up the phone, by now some people have shown up. I change my outfit and wait for my eyes to be normal. Eventually the puffiness goes away.

I give myself a quick pep talk, and prepare myself for downstairs. I hear shitty music being played, and the sound of a thousand voices talking over each other. I look outside and see it's already gone dark. I take another deep breath, and go downstairs.

I'm greeted by Liz who starts babbling about how awful this place is, I entertain her for awhile and tune her out for a bit, lost in my thoughts. She notices and I tune back in.

"Hey, I didn't see you at school today, is everything alright?" Concern is written all over her face. "Yeah, I just, need to talk things over with someone..." She looks confused, before she's hit with realization of something.

"Oooohhhh, yeah, yeah, of course! Well, I have to go get a drink, bye!" I stay, dumbfounded by her sudden absence. I decide to go and find Stig, after all, there's no time like the present!

It doesn't take too long, he's talking to some people, with a glint of sadness in his eyes. I walk up to him and listen in for a moment before tapping his arm. "O-Oh! Hey Dunkers!" He says, jumping slightly.

I look down and reply. "We need to talk." He moda his head and follows me to a more secluded area of the party. We stare at each other for a moment before I sigh.

"Listen Stig, I'm sorry, I overreacted." I want to say more but my throat starts to run dry. He looks at me in horror as if I had cursed him. "You have nothing to be sorry for Jack! I shouldn't have been so forward, I should have just said my feelings and have been done with it. I'm sorry for putting you in that situation. I mean- I don't even know if you like guys!" I thought about what he said for a bit, as I stared up at him, his eyes were worried, but prepared for whatever I was gonna say, he was fiddling with his fingers slightly.

I can't help but laugh, laugh out of being anxious and and out of general humor. He looks confused. "I don't like guys, I like you. And let's stop apologizing, apologies are for losers."

He's taken aback and blushes a much deeper red. I smile and jump up to peck him on the cheek. "Now, let's enjoy this stupid party now that we're done." He gives me a small smile and nods, rubbing his cheek.

We spend the rest of night talking to people and laughing with each other, even dancing poorly at some point. And I realize how silly I'd been for just not telling him my feelings sooner and getting it done with, even if he had rejected me, it coulda' saved time and hurt.

Everything goes well, until the party slows down abit. And Kimmy walks up to Stig, obviously trying to make a scene with the tone of her voice. "So, Stig, what were you and Dunkleman talking about earlier? It seemed very important." Everyone turns to them, as I'm now suddenly paying attention.

"That's none of your business Kimmy." He says, and for the first time, he looks annoyed. She scoffs and retorts with a snarl "It's my fucking business if you broke up with me to go be with some little TWINK!!" She yells to accentuate her last word. I pale as people start to look at me, despite being apart of the crowd, and begin to whisper.

I decide to bolt up to my room to avoid stares and the eyes of the judgmental. I slightly cry out of embarrassment, and stay there for what feels like years. My self doubt comes back and hits hard. 'He will leave you to be on the good side of others.' 'He's played you for a fool.' 'He planned this all.' 'So naive you are to fall for him.'

After what I can only assume to be an hour later, I hear someone open the door and go to bed beneath me, I'm too tired to check who, and I don't want to see Stig.

I fall asleep shortly, and fall victim to the dark encasement of the black abyss. I have dreams, but can't remember a single one. All I remember is gold hair, blue eyes, and the sound of crying.

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