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Yashiro looked at her screen, a pit in her stomach at the question that was on her screen. She was strangely scared of it, almost as if she didn't have the answer.

Being completely honest with herself, she didn't at all have the answer. She knew what she felt wasn't "being in love", but she would like to count it as such.

So she sat there, staring at the text for a few minutes before deciding on a answer.

Hanako-San:Hey, what's like it fall in love?

             Sad Daikon:That can't really be answered, but the closest thing I could think of would have to be if a person makes your heart flutter or you feel secure around them that means you've fallen in love with them.

Hanako-San:what do you mean it can be answered? Every question has an answer somewheres in the world.

            Sad Daikon:Well, love very complicated... What makes your ask this question anyways?

Hanako-San:That's for you not to know.

               Sad Daikon:Okay...

Hanako-San:How can you tell if someone In love with you?

         Sad Daikon:Honestly I don't even know.

          Sad Daikon:Well,  I guess if someone blushed and complements you, or seems like they are on top of the world when around you. I would'nt know though, I've never had anyone every be like...

Hanako-San:Oh... Alright.

Hanako-San:Well, you sound very nice, I bet your beautiful in real life.

         Sad Daikon:You'd be the only person on earth who'd think that.

Hanako-San:Why's that?

       Sad Daikon:I have huge ankles, for zero reason.

Hanako-San:Well uh, I have a thing for Hands and legs so, today your luck~

          Sad Daikon:Ew, A pervert

Hanako-San:I was just joking! Anyways, I have to go! See ya!

           Sad Daikon:See ya...

Hanako-San is now offline


Amane sat up and turned off his phone to a slamming doors and the sound of a predator about to pounce on his pray.

"AMAAAANE!"Tsukasa jumped onto his bad and flew his phone into the wall and then sliding under his bed.

Amane gulped and looked at his younger twin "Yes?"He asked, shaking a little.

"Mom and Dad are going on a trip for a few day! Aren't you excited!"He smiled and got right in amame face "we can play as rough as we'd like and no could hear us! You've always joked about knife play!"

He gulped and smiled at him "we are not doing knife play tsukasa.."He laughed quietly, shaking a bit more.

The boy nuzzled his head into his twins neck. "Why not? It's sounds fun and kinda kinky-"

"we aren't doing anything that can be described as 'kinky' tsukasa"Amane stroked the childish twin head while laughing lightly.

"Pffft- that's a stupid excuse"He groaned.

"That is an amazing excuse tsukasa"the more mature twin sighed

"Then non kinky knife play?"he asked

"No knife play tsukasa"Amane laughed

"Buzz kill!"tsukasa pouted

"Tsukasa, you'd try to kill me"Amane said bluntly

"Is that a bad thing?"tsukasa asked


Tsukasa bit down on Amane shoulder hard "asshole- I'm gonna tell mom"

"Mom will just beat you, you know she likes me better!"Tsukasa giggled.

"Ah... True..."He sighed and put up with the repeated biting till it started going to far.

The door opened and a female snarling could be heard "Not this shit again-"Tsukasa quickly got off Amane as their mom stomped over.

Amane and tsukasa got close to eachother for protection as she came over and grabbed Amane by the hair "Be less submissive! I'm tired of getting calls from the school talking about how you let people walk all over you-"she let go of Amane when tsukasa bit her hand.

"Tsukasa honey, you know I'm being rough with him for the sake of love, why are you defending him?"She snarled at him as she pulled her hand away leaving a bit of blood dripping from it.

"Because he's just a pussy version of me, are you love me more right?"

She sighed and rubbed his head before leaving and slamming the door "I hate her"tsukasa laughed.

"Same... What do I owe you?"Amane asked

"Amane, you already know the answer"Tsukasa smiled at him.



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