Fresh Meat

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Chapter one - fresh meat
Word count: 1676

Sunday - 23 August - 9:38 pm

^Y/n pov^

As I scroll through my feed on instagram, I notice happy smiles, joyful laughs, all captured in the moment. I've never had friends, no one to talk to, not even a family that wanted me. I was abandoned the day I was born, I was meant to be aborted when I was an infant, but jokes on my parents, here I am. I believe that my parents were human, as there are no other creatures around the world.

I continue to swipe up, when I see a news page, "young couple found dead in the middle of *** ***** park" oh god. I clicked more to view more information on it.
The couple were found dead, both claw and bite marks covered them from top to bottom. Detectives suspect it was a wolf. There hasn't been a wolf sighting in years. This may be the first time a wolf ....
This was not a wolf. Humans are so stupid when it comes to this... but.. could it be true.... was I not the only supernatural creature in this world.. no. It's impossible right....? "Ugh.." I slumped against my headboard and turned my phone of and laid it face down beside me. I need a shower.

I got out of bed and ran the hot water, once I got in, all my worries washed away. Showers always soothe me, as I trailed off in thought I realised that I have my first day of high school, as a senior, tomorrow, I'm going to be surrounded by idiots. The only reason I managed to make it into school, was because I compelled the principle... oops. I also compelled the land lord- the bank- way more than that I think.. perks of being a vampire, so you could say that I'm wealthy. After years of working pointlessly at Pizza Hut, I don't know why I just compelled for the money, I managed to save for a white Porsche.

Monday - 24 August - 8:59 am

I roll on my side and slowly open my eyes before realising my alarm has still been going off. I fell on my back and rubbed my eyes before picking up my phone, I clicked stop alarm only to see the time.. SHIT! I'm already late! There's no way I'm making it there on time, I jumped out of bed and ran it to the bathroom, brushed my hair, tied it in a messy bun, ran into my wardrobe, chucked on black skins, black sexy high heels, a red tight tank top which pushed my boobs up, making them look bigger than they already are, I then grabbed my leather jacket and put that on too.
I managed to do that within two minutes. That's a record.... I locked the front door and bolted to my driveway to then get in my Porsche.

I rock up to see the school parking lot, of course, it's empty but filled with cars. After many minutes trying to find a place to park the car, I realise that the car to the left of mine is a baby blue Porsche. Looks pretty sick if you ask me. I ran into the school and talk to the principle before finding out that I have double sport. Great. I didn't even think about bringing sports wear, I ran into the girls change room and grabbed a white nike shirt, followed by adidas short shorts and a pair of long socks with black and white Nike shoes. After putting on the clothing, I realised that the clothing was very... tight. The shirt hugging every curve of my stomach with my ass half hanging out of my shorts. Whatever, it's fine.

I walked into the gym through the door near the toilets and found myself face to face with a broad muscled 30-40 year old man, this must be my teacher. He stared at me, waiting for an apology, "the amount of apologies I've given the principle is shocking. So you shouldn't be expecting one." The class, that was mostly filled with boys, laughed and started whistling, I then felt something, like a pang of interest in my chest.. my eyes scanned through my classmates, some standing on one side of the tall net, and some standing on the other side. I was looking for something, or maybe someone... I couldn't tell. The gym was filled with the students chatter as the teacher huffed off to go grab volleyballs. 

After a couple seconds of looking around, I saw two girls blushing ahead at someone... pathetic, the teacher put me with the two girls and I approached them with a fake smile "excuse me-" I asked with a fake smile, the blonde girl looked me up and down, I glared at her, "gotta problem or something?" She asked, god she's a bitch. "Well on second thought, yes, I do." I spat, "good for you, get in line." She said, trying to act tough. Without hesitation I blurted out laughing, the rest of the class had their eyes on us two, the girl behind her backed away before pulling her phone from her back pocket. I put up the piece sign at her before the blonde girls hand was inches away from my face, without a blink, I grabbed onto her wrist and twisted it, close to breaking point, "ow! Fuck let go!" She squealed trying to pull away, "you know, you must be so sad, knowing, that people hate you, grow up and stop acting like a child" I pushed her wrist into her chest as she tripped on her own feet and fell on her ass. The class started cheering and laughing, "bitch.." I smirked at her, my gaze fell up and instantly met with his.

The most gorgeous man, clearly created by god, his muscles piercing through his tank top, the bulge that stuck out from his shorts and the wink he gave me, before I realised I was staring, I bit my lower lip, thinking of the things I'd want him to do to me.

Oh shit. I turn to my right to see the gym teacher staring at me with anger filling his eyes, "y/n. Care to explain to me why Bella is crying?" I stared at him, trying not to laugh, "well the bitch deserve-" the gym teacher cleared his throat, interrupting me. I rolled my eyes before staring deeply into his, feeling my pupils dilate from big to small, I whispered under my breath, making sure no one could hear me. "You will forget what I just did. She started the fight and I stopped her from starting something else.." I closed my eyes before reopening them with a smile. "I am so sorry y/n. My mistake, Bella Reece, you're coming with me to the principles office. Immediately. before I go, is there anyone else planning on coming?" I turn around facing Bella and her minion, Bella had dried mascara that had previously poured down her face. Bella let out a sob before running out. I couldn't help but smile, I looked towards her friend and signalled my head to the door Bella had run out of. "Run along doll." I smiled. Her expression was priceless. She fled the room with the teacher and Bella.

Once they had left the gymnasium, the class fell out with laughter and surprise. I smiled at them. "So.." I started, "are we gonna play some volleyball or what?" The class let out a few cheers before everyone set up in the positions. I stand to the left at the front of the net with the Greek-god-looking-masterpiece in front of me. His team was starting, I looked over at the young girl starting, getting my position ready, my tongue slipping from my lips, the ball came souring over the net, without hesitation, I leaned into the air. Using the flat of my palm, I hit it directly towards the far right corner of the court. We got the point, our team cheered and I smiled and laughed, we all got back into our positions. The smile still on my face, I re locked eyes with the boy.. he had the same smile reflecting back at me, I looked at the floor before getting back into the game.

Finally after those periods, we got let out for lunch break. I packed a metal drink bottle with blood in it followed by a black straw. I went to my locker after getting changed and grabbed the drink bottle. I walked towards the back door leading to the rest of the campus. In the near distance, I saw a football pitch with bleachers, they were empty... perfect. Being alone to drink the blood from my last victim was just what I needed. Now, before you call me a monster, I don't kill my victims. I simply take a little less than 1 litre of blood and save it. I've never killed a human before, I don't plan on it either. Unless it's that Bella, then I won't have a problem with it.

I sat in the shade under the bleachers before sipping from the straw and scrolling on my phone. As I got lost in the media world, I heard a stick snap from beside me, I flinch straight away, rubbing my mouth to make sure there's no blood over them. I look up to see the guy from my sport class. "Uh... hello?" I asked before standing up, he took out his hand from his pocket, holding it out for a handshake. I placed my hand in his.
"I'm Grayson.. Grayson Dolan."

Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of The Vamp And The Mut ~ it means a lot! I upload chapters whenever I feel like it, so I apologise if you have to wait a while... and for you juicy readers out there, the dirty chapters will come out soon! Peace out bubs <3

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