First Flight (Mammon x Reader)

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On the rooftop, under the stars and the beautiful evening sky, you can't help but wonder what it feels like to fly. And truly the perfect lover, Mammon decides to show you.

It would be freezing, if not for Mammon's arms.

Or maybe not freezing, exactly. It's not quite the hour where the Devildom descends into the true depths of its chills—midnight still lurking four long hours away—but it's definitely cold, as these nights in hell do tend to get. The breeze is crisp, the wind biting sharply at your ears every time it manages to wedge its nimble touch between your and Mammon's bodies, but the demon always readjusts his hold around you whenever such a thing happens. As such, you find comfort even in these low temperatures, leaning peacefully into the arms of the man holding you so snugly.

The beginnings of a particularly strong wind echo from the north, and you instinctively curl deeper into Mammon's embrace, feeling safe only when he loops his arms around you tighter.

"Ya sure you're not cold?" The demon asks, his voice nothing more than a whisper as he continues to rest his head on your shoulder. "We can't run from Lucifer forever, ya know."

"We can try," You murmur, smiling softly to yourself as your rest your head against Mammon's. "Or we can at least wait till he cools down and realizes that a few failed tests aren't the end of the world." You shift your head just the slightest, pressing your lips to Mammon's jaw. "And no, I'm not cold. Not with you here, at least."

The demon laughs at that, a beautiful sound that you've come to cherish in your time in the Devildom. "Okay," He mumbles, running his hands along your arms, fingers squeezing gently over every patch of exposed skin. "Just let me know if ya wanna head back inside."

It's really not necessary, you think.

Yes, the outside temperature is chilly, only getting colder with each passing second. But the blood that runs through Mammon's veins is hot as hellfire itself, and his embrace is like a furnace that has wrapped itself around your body, pulling you into its lap so that it can smother you in heat and affection and love.

You lean your head back, savoring Mammon's warmth, gazing up at the sky as you do so.

"It's not fair," You pout, glancing up.

"Huh?" Mammon asks. "What's not?"

"The sky," You mumble, slightly dejected. "It's so pretty. Way prettier than the human world sky."

"Ya know what's even prettier than the sky?" Mammon asks, wiggling his eyebrows mischievously at you. You roll your eyes at that, opting not to comment on the fact that this is probably the most basic and overdone compliment he could have thought of—but as usual, the demon surprises you: "Me," Mammon declares proudly, grinning.

You give him a firm whack on the shoulder for that.

Settling back in his arms, you continue glancing at the sky (internally promising yourself to never comment on how pretty it is again) and turn your gaze to the stars. The constellations here are different from those in the human world, and they seem to have some sort of hypnotic pattern that makes it impossible to stop staring at them once you've started.

"I like the stars," You finally say, your voice coming out soft.

"The stars?" Mammon questions incredulously, as if he had forgotten that they're up there. He glances up abruptly, his hair tickling you just the slightest as he does so, and a soft oh escaping his lips is all you need to hear to know that he's equally mesmerized by them, even if he appears to have never glanced up at them before.

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