Toxic - by Oli

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I sit with you, hand in hand
But you'll never understand

Understand the love I have
That has lasted for forever and a half

All my cares go to you
Never really thinking it through

You took my heart
Which was a good start

But now you have my love, my soul
But all I ever got was you being cold

My house is wrecked
I'm not protected

Not safe from your toxic waste
Where my love for you had been misplaced

But even so, I can't stop watching
Waiting for your heart to want me

And even if you never came back,
At least my mind would have something to attack

And now I count the stars each night alone,
Hoping for a better home

But every time my wish comes true
It happens to be that I'm with you

I know my loving moves are judged
But maybe someday... I'll be loved

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