Chapter 11

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I was fast asleep when I heard fast rapping on the door. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. I looked at the time. 12:17 AM. "Great." I whispered to myself. The fast rapping occurred at the door again. "I'm coming. I'm coming. Shut up." I said rubbing my right eye with the palm of my right hand. I opened the door but found no one outside. I pushed my brows together confused. I poked my head outside and looked both ways. No one was standing outside. I did find Boyd however, heading up the stairs with crackers in his hand with a blank look on his face like Isaac. "Hey Boyd." I said as he entered the room, ignoring me. ""Hey, Damien. How's it going?" "I"m doing good. Thanks for asking, Boyd."" I muttered to myself as I headed back inside and closed the door. The moment I did, the rapid knocking ensued once more. I spun around and swung the door open. I stood outside and looked around. "Real funny, Stiles. But seriously, stop." I called out. "Stop what?" Stiles asked me walking up the stairs with two handful of snacks with some under his arms. I raised a brow. "Stop knocking on our door." I told him. "It wasn't me. And...nobody knocked on your door." He said with squinted eyes and furrowed brows. "Now if you'll excuse me. I'm starving." He said pushing his back to his room door and opening the door his finger tips before entering the room backwards. " the weirdest dude...I have ever met." I said turning to head back into the room. The fast knocking immediately started again. But this time it was louder. Filling my eardrums. I covered my ears and looked around. I searched for the source of the sound but couldn't find it. "Da-mi-en." I heard someone call out in a familiar sing-song voice. I pulled my hands away from ears turning around. "Da-mi-en." It called out again. I looked up and noticed the voice was coming from above me. Something dripped onto my forehead. I looked away and wiped it off. I looked at my hand to see smeared blood on my fingertips. I glanced back up before I started to search for a way up. I jogged around the building before finding a door that was labeled 'Roof Access'. I pulled the lock off the door and threw it to the ground before running inside. 

"Damien. Damien. Damien! Da-mi-en!" The disembodied voice called out repeatedly. I burst through the door and stood on the roof and looked around. My eyes settled on a woman in faded blue skinny jeans, red Converse hi-tops, and a gray-hooded black leather jacket. The figure was standing on the edge of the building. The wind making the tails of the jacket flap around like flags on a pole. "Who are you?" I called out. "You already forgot the sound of my voice, Damien." The voice answered. I slowly walked to her. "I'm gonna ask you again. Who are you?" I asked her with a growl. She turned around. My eyes went wide. "H-Hayley?" I croaked as the woman pulled the hood off her head. "You're dead. I watched you die." I said through gritted teeth. "I'm back, Damien. I don't know how but I am." She said taking a step towards me. I instinctively stepped back. "You're lying." I snapped. "Why would I lie to you? Damien, you're my brother." She said. "Was. Was your brother." I countered. "Damien...I need you to listen to me. Deucalion wants you. Not sure why. But he does. And he will kill anyone that gets in his way to do so. So if I were you I'd cut ties with these kids and deal with Deucalion by yourself." She explained. "That's the thing, Hayley. You're not me." I argued. "And I'm not about to take advice from my dead sister. So, goodbye." I said turning. I jumped back when she appeared in front of me. Her warm inviting smile was gone. Replaced with a devious glare on her face. "I tried to be polite, Damien." She growled. She grabbed me by the throat and slammed me into the rooftop. I let out a groan. She flicked out lack claws and brought them down on my chest. I let out a scream of pain when I snapped my eyes open. I looked around breathing heavily. Hayley was nowhere to be seen. I stood on the rooftop alone the wind whipping through my hair. I took in a deep breath feeling cold sweat trickle down the side of my face. Want it all to end, Damien? Want to save your friends from inevitable death? You know what you must do. My face went blank as I climbed onto the edge of the building. I flicked my claws out and looked down at the inside of my wrists before bringing a claw down onto my skin, drawing blood.

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