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Hello my beautiful followers!! Wait some of you might be guys, so HANDSOME too! Here is the intro you have been waiting for!!

I waved to Cameron, and smiled. He smiled back.
Once we passed him, my friends looked at me and stopped.
"You just waved to Cameron Hansen!?!" Hailey Kurt said, surprised.
"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" I asked.
"He is the most popular guy in school! You can't just 'wave'!" Mylee Anderson added.
"He's my brother...?" I said.
"What!?!?" Mylee, Hailey, and Jaydien said. Jaydien started throwing Indian sentences at me.
"But, you look nothing alike!" She finally said in English.
"I'm adopted." I said. "I have a dark skin tone. He's as pale as the snow."

They stood there in silence.

"Wow." Hailey said, stunned. "I-wow."

"He and my dad moved here before I did with my mom." I said.

"Cool!" Mylee said

"Tell us everything you know!" Jaydien jumped in.

Eh he he, so this is the intro! I know...Pretty basic...But it gets interesting later!...I hope It gets interesting for y'all! Okay,byyeeeee!!! -Iggy

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