Chapter 2

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Heyo everyone!Here's another gorgeous chapter of The Crown In The Forest! ❤

"Moooooooornign sleepy head!" Cameron said from my doorway in a sappy sing song voice.

"Get the heck out of my room!" I said and sat up.
"Wow, sooooomeeeones grumpy." he said. That set me off like a flame to a firework.
I jumped out of bed, and stood up.
"Get. Out. Now." he slowly backed out.
"Mental note; Don't poke a bear when they're sleeping." I faked lunging at him. And he flinched backward. "Okay, okay, fine, I'm going!" he walked down the stairs. "P.S mom made chocolate chip pancakes."

"Okay, be right down!" I called after him.
I put on my dark blue T-shirt with a knot at the waist and some jean capris with ripped ankles. And my light blue converse.
I jogged down the steps. I grabbed a pancake.
"Cameron is waiting on the steps for you, Kate." mom told me.
"Thanks! I love you!" I said. She kissed my head. I stuffed the pancake into my mouth, and grabbed my bag.
"Hey!" he said.

"Hi," I walked down the steps and he got up, and shoved his phone In his pocket.

"Morning, Mrs. Easton!" Cameron said. He waved at her, and pet Coco. She nuzzled into his hand. The second I kneeled down next to her, she started barking and growling.

I got up. "Come on, Cameron. We have to get to school."

"Okay, bye Mrs. Easton!" he said. Mr. Easton walked out and handed Mrs. Easton a blueberry muffin.

She waved.

"What's your deal?" he asked me.

"What do you mean, we had to get to school." I said. And walked faster.

He caught up with me. "Alright, fine, but if you need to talk I'm here. I know your as hard to open as a walnut without a nutcracker but-"

"OKAY! FINE!" I said. I whipped around to look at him. "I'M NOT OKAY! I almost knew the future! How the heck do you expect me to be 'okay'?!" I screamed at him.

I turned around and kept walking. "Your right, Kate, and I'm sorry."

"Your fine." I said. We were silent the rest of the walk.

Good morning BFF!! Hailey texted me.

Ya, it's morning alright. I replied.


What's wrong?

Tell u at school. I turned off my phone and shoved it back in my bag. I heard the text message notification, but I ignored it.

"What's wrong?" she asked me the second I stepped in school.

"Wow, okay. Um, I'm really scared if people know about this, I could be in danger." I said. Hailey was the only one in my group who believed in this kinda stuff, the other girls thought of it as a coincidence.

"You have a point here, Kate." she said. I opened my locker and hung up my backpack. I grabbed my phone out of the blue floral bag. It had a clear case with some glitter in it.

I turned around and walked the halls with Hailey.

"So, how's things with Lucas?" she asked me.

"Ugh!! Nothing!" I said. "And that's the problem!"

"Don't worry, oneday he'll sweep you off your feet." she said full of confidence.

"And how are things with Cameron?" I asked, smirking.

"...WE ARE NOT GOING THERE!....but sadly nothing."

"Like you said, he'll sweep you off your feet, oneday." I smiled. Then the ball rang. "See you in class." I grabbed my books, and ran off to class.

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