Not an update but eXCUSE ME???

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Um y'all-

I beg your pardon???Like what is this???

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I beg your pardon???
Like what is this???

Seriously, thank you so much to anyone still reading this (especially to those who have been here since the nightmares that were about the first 5-10 one shots holy crap those were awful)

and I'm sorry that I haven't been updating I've been kinda slipping in and out of the fandom and also been cursed with writer's block so if anyone has any ideas let me know??

Like y'all have been super nice and given me ideas in the past that I stare at with frustration bc I can't think on how to flesh out the storyline (thanks, brain) and I'm so sorry about that but if there's any other one shot plots you have that you're interested in seeing let me know and there's probably a 50/50 chance on whether or not they'll be written (and again I'm soo sorry about that)

Thank you again for 20k!
Love you all,
(Yeah ik I keep changing my pen name shhhhh we don't need to talk about this)

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