chapter 16

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Dabi chuckles.
"Followed huh? I thought that was your murderous animosity."

Izuku growls as his eyes glow purple.
"This isn't funny, you asshole."

Dabi chuckles again as he yanks out his phone. He winks at Izuku and mouths 'play along'.

He lets out an obnoxiously loud fake yawn, throwing his arms out.

"I'm wayyyyyy to tired to walk home to my very expensive mansion with WEAPONS. I think I'll call a cab."

Dabi dials Kurogiri. He immediately picks up.
"The location? Uhh, XXXX XX."
Izuku holds his head down, trying to stay low profile. He knows pulling his hood on will cause suspicion.

Dabi continues his loud talking with a grin on his face.
"The wait time is 12 minutes? I guess that's okay. Kinda shitty."

Dabi hangs up and stuffs his phone back into his pocket.

Dabi rests his arm around Izuku, pulling him closer and giving him a serious look.
"Alright. We got 12 minutes."

Izuku nods biting his lip, trying to hide his physcotic grin.
"All I need is 5!"

Dabi chuckles.
"God, you are crazy."

A laugh escapes Izuku's lips as he looks up at the dark sky.
"I know!~"

Izuku hums as he sits down on the nearby bench. He looks at Dabi.
"If there's trouble, buy me a little time so I can heal my ankle."
Dabi nods.

Izuku leans back and closes his eyes, focusing the energy from his quirk towards his sore ankle.

He holds his hands around his ankle as it veins bulge and his skins glows purple.
Dabi's eyes widen.

Izuku growls.
"Aren't you supposed to be watching to make sure those creeps don't attack us?"
Dabi chuckles.
"That'd be a waste of time. I'm sure they're going to attack anyway."

Izuku jumps up and stretches. He kneels, putting his fist on the ground.
"I'm gonna try something. Over these couple days, I've somehow learned how to control my quirk. Kind of insane, isn't it?"

Dabi laughs.
"Are you sure you've controlled it? I thought it was because you stopped being a whiney little bitch."

Izuku laughs loudly. His eyes glow a purplish-red. He gives a physoctic smile at Dabi.

Izuku snaps his head forward with a grin. He gets in a running position, butt in the air. With a loud crack, he's gone.

He powers his quirk and takes off extremely fast.
He leaves a huge foot imprint, followed with cracks and crushed rubble in the street.

He spots the building the followers are hiding. He stops immediately.

They're right around the corner of a convenience store. He can hear them breathing.

Izuku smiles. He walks slowly toward them. He can hear them frantically whispering asking what to do next. He hears their heartbeats.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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