'Im not here to make friends'

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Denkis pov:

"I cant wait for the new student! I wonder who it is and what his quirk is!"

"Probally another useless extra" Said Bakougo   "You cant just call people extras Kacchan!"    "WHAT DID YOU SAY DAMN NERD!? ILL EXLODE YOU INTO PIECES!" Shouted Bakugo going into yet another rage..."That's not a hero attitude now is it?" Said Lida as he stepped infront of deku definitly saving Midoriya from death...

*A loud thumping noise entered the class* I turned to see our Sensai  Mr Aizawa in his big sleeping bag hopping in the class...As he stood behind his desk he said "We have a new student treat them well, Dont wake me up or you will get extra homework." As he hopped over to the corner laying down to sleep, a purple haired boy with the cutest eyes had entered the class "I'm Hitoshi Sinshou and I'm not here to make friends"

Everyone was Silent until I said "Come sit over here!"

Shinsous pov:

A mini replica of pikachu just invited me to sit with him so I made my way down the cramped class to sit next to mini pikachu "Hi I'm denki Kamanari!" This pikachu person explained  "Shinsou" I replied before turning my head the other way. No matter what I did this guy wouldnt stopped talking. "I'm trying to work please shutup."  "Right.right....Sorry" he said with a sad look on his face and he lowered his head to get on with his work, I could clearly see he was upset. "Sorry."  I mumbled..His face just lit up with a small smile but something was of...Like the smile was fake or something?

                                   Time skip -Lunch~

Denkis pov:
Class was finally over I reached under my desk to grab my lunch box and just as I got up I asked: "Hey do you want to eat lunch with us?"  The purple haired boy looked into space confused and then said  "us?"   "Yeah! The bakusquad!" ^•^  I replied cheerfully!   "Theres no one else here..."   he replied a little bit confused.I looked around to see that they ditched me...YET AGAIN! "Anyway there my friends! I'll introduce you to them! You wont have to talk as Bakougo is always shouting at Kirishima and Mina is always talking and spilling tea about the latest gossip..."  I said placing my hand behind my head and closing my eyes -~-  "No...But thank you"

Shinshous pov~

I walked away at full speed.Having a flashback

"Hey Hitoshi over here!" "ARE YOU REALLY GAY?!" "THATS DISGUSTING! YOU DONT DESERVE TO LIVE!" "I think we should teach Hitoshi here a little lesson"  All I remember is screaming in pain and being stuffed inside a locker.After that I never trusted ANYONE absolutely no one except for aizawa and Mic who are my fathers, I walked to the teachers lounge entering it  all the Teachers knew me as family as Aozawa and mic introduced me to them when I was 5 so I basically just called them Auntie Midnight and Uncle Nezu and uncle All might...I sat next to my father aizawa on the floor as I got into his sleeping bag and he zipped it all the way up so no one could see us or here us and he asked "Are you ready" "Yes father~"   "As he turned over facing me...There it was...So big...A fluffy.White.cat! We both went "Awww" as it meowed and we weren't coming out as there were 5 kittens in here I also ate my lunch in the sleeping bag and then Mic had to bribe us out of it as it was time for class he bribed us out by more cats...As we walked back to class we heard sobbing noises coming from the hallway and then there was a explosion with aload of shouting and screaming...My father ran over as it sounded like a school fight.I followed him with a cat in my arms.When we got there we were so shocked...

Bakougos pov:

I heard dunce face shouting and crying so I instantly ran over to where the noise was coming from with todoroki right behind me...The anger just built up inside off me...All I couldn't see was this group of last years picking on dunce face and beating him up but one went way to far...He shoved denki inside a locker while banging on the locker making of all collapse Denki was screaming from the noise and his scream turned into a cry for help and your could hear him sobbing in pain...That damn extra was making the locker collapse while all the metal was stabbing Denki...I could feel my hands explode as I made a explosion to tell those extras to go away but it just made it alot worse it seemed to frighten Denki from inside the locker until he was silent! "MINA GET YOUR RACCON BUTT OVER HERE!" Mina and Todorki rushed over as I opened the locked to see blood...And denkis pale unconscious body just laying there...So still.Mina gasped in horror as she burst into tears checking for a pulse "WE NEED TO GET HIM TO RECOVERY GIRL NOW!"

Aizawas pov:

I stood infront of Mina sobbing Bakougo trying to kill people while Todorki was freezing denki? I could see Shinsou drop the cat which surprised me...He would never drop a cat unless something was very worng- I look closer at Denki who is now on Shinsous lap with todorki completely freezing his body...Denki was covered in blood...This wasnt right.I sent a emergency signal for all the teachers to come and within 5 seconds Mic recovery girl and all might were here wondering what the hell happens Recovery girl told Mina to call a ambulance while healing Kamanari to the best of her ability while mic and all might were figuring out what happened and mic was trying to pull Bakougo of of some boys but Mic was failing as Bakougo was determined to kill these boys...

1009 words- 

Sorry for any spelling mistakes idk if I should make more? So if you see this trash of a story please comment for part 2...

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