~Chapter one~

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Heyo, this is the first chapter of my Harry x Ron fanfic lol. No smut, that's gay. Haha get it I did a funny, cuz this gay.

Also If you haven't read/Watched the series you gonna be really confused so get outta here, actually why are you here if you haven't seen any of Harry Potter?

(This is my very first romance fanfic and I'm kinda awkward about but I'm trying ;-;)

ALSO NONE OF THESE CHARACTERS ARE MINE THIS IS JK ROWLING'S WORLD (You should know that, also why would I write fanfictions on sumn that would belong to me?)!

~Chapter one~

'BANG BANG BANG'. A large, plump fist rounded on Harry's sealed door, and a muffled voice sounded from behind.

"Get up, boy!" The fat man shouted. Harry groaned as he sat up, reaching for his glasses. He squinted through foggy panes of glass. The morning was cold, and Harry suspected Uncle Vernon was too lazy to make breakfast, so he spent his energy on waking Harry.

Harry thudded down the stairs, jumping the second to last one; it creaked irritatingly at the weight of a feather.
"Harry, make me a cup of coffee, and make me some bacon. Don't burn it." Mumbled Uncle Vernon from behind a wrinkled newspaper. Sighing, Harry made his way over to the kitchen counter, and began searching through drawers for pans and plates.

Harry remembered when he first saw a Daily Prophet from the wizarding world. He remembered how the black and white images would smile and wave, and how much more interesting they were than muggle papers.

He remembered the friends he made..

Nobody had sent him a drop of ink since Harry had finished his first year at Hogwarts.
Not Hagrid, not Hermione and... not even Ron.
Ron was the first non-magic friend his age he had ever met, and yet he received nothing from him.

"What are you looking at, boy?" Vernon hissed. Harry realized he was wearing a sorrow look on his face as he stared at Vernon's newspaper.
"Ah.. um- nothing Uncle.." Harry stuttered, brushing a strand of soft, black hair infront of his scar.
"Well get on with it then." Complained Vernon.


Harry had been told to stay up in his room, stay silent and pretend not to exist. Uncle Vernon had to impress a woman who was interested in his work.. or something, but Harry couldn't care less.
Harry gazed dreamily up at the stars. His mouth felt dry, and a throbbing ache was spreading through Harry's head.

The woman hadn't arrived yet, so Harry made a quick trip downstairs for a glass of water.
When Harry crept back up the stairs, he could have sworn he heard someone jumping on his bed.

Harry took the handle to his door, hesitated, then opened the door.

***~Time Skip~***

"You?! It was you?!" Harry whisper-screamed.
"Mr. Potter mustn't be angry at Dobby, Dobby thought that if he were to make Harry think his friends did not care, Harry Potter wouldn't want to go back to the school.." Dobby explained rather guiltily as he revealed a bundle of multi-coloured letters from behind his back. Harry made a quick snatch for the letters, but Dobby pulled his grimy hand back, and headed for the door.

Then Harry realised.. Ron didn't forget about me.. Or Hermione, or Hagrid.. Harry shot down his stairs, in an attempt to chase Dobby while staying quiet. He skidded to a stop as he saw Dobby making Aunt Petunia's monstrosity of a pavlova being levitated into the air.
"Mr. Potter must swear he will not return to Hogwarts." Dobby said, his fingers threatening to click.

~Lightning Heart~ Rarry FanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin