~Chapter Five~

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Harry shot a sour glare towards Aunt Marge. She sat on a small wooden seat, which groaned under her mass. Harry tried to block out her deep, irritable voice, but she pressed on about sensitive topics; her voice like a nail to his skull.
She then moved onto the topic of Harry's father, James.
She began insulting him, loudening her voice, so Harry wouldn't be able to keep it out from his desperate mind.

"My Father didn't strut," bellowed Harry, a painful ringing in his ears.
"Oh, like you'd know!" She snorted, and then continued as if Harry hadn't interrupted; Vernon stared at him with beady black eyes.
"... Actually it has nothing to do with the father, it's to do with the mother. You see it all the time with dogs. If there's something wrong with the bitch, then there's something wrong with the pup," she had a sickening grin plastered across her face. The ringing in Harry's ears felt as if it were egging him on, and without thinking-

"SHUT UP! SHUT. UP." Lights blinked rapidly around him, his hair blowing, as if the wind had taken refuge indoors..
Aunt Marge pointed a fat, sausage like finger towards him, opened her mouth, but was set back. Her, already bulbous finger, began inflating at an alarming rate.


Harry's arm dragged behind him with the weight of his stuffed suitcase, rumbling on small, scratched wheels.

'I need to get to Diagon Alley', thought Harry, as he slowed to a stop infront of a deserted playground. He crouched onto the curb, watching his breath puff into clouds beneath his nose. Harry searched his mind for any way of getting into Diagon Alley. He looked into every crevice in his mind for any information Hermione may have passed onto him. Then suddenly his heart skipped at a sudden thought.

'I'll get to see Ron soon,' Harry beamed, staring into a bush infront of him, only to spot two glowing eyes observing him, and a large, dog-like silhouette. His breath seemed to get thicker and cloudier, until Harry was almost hit by what seemed to be a large... purple blur..?

A long, painful screech filled the air, and Harry had fallen onto his back; his legs tucked up to his chest, avoiding any wheels.
Harry looked up to see a scrawny boy, just a few years older than Harry, focusing on a note held infront of his pointed nose.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus," He said, his eyes still scanning over the note.


Harry had already spent about a week at the Leaky Cauldron already, and had a solid map of Diagon Alley imprinted into his mind.

Harry felt a wave of excitement wash over him. Today he was meeting Ron. Harry mentally cursed himself for not properly acknowledging that he was going to see Hermione as well. He changed into some casual clothes and slipped on some old shoes over thin, moth-eaten socks.

Harry felt a bit strange the following two hours of the morning. He accidentally woke at the crack of dawn, only to realise that when he noticed nobody was up. Harry was taking a stroll down Diagon Alley, lost in thought as more people gradually poured into the street. He sat himself at a small cafe that sold warm, fluffy pancakes that happened to hook Harry's nose.

Harry dug into his meal, thinking about what he'd say to Ron when he saw him.

'And Hermione, dammit.'

Harry knew that he saw Ron a little differently than a normal friend, but he felt rude for leaving Hermione out. What if she liked Ron and Ron liked her?

'Shut up, who cares, I don't even know if I... like him still.'

But the images of Ron grinning, his locks glowing a fiery gold in the enchanting sunlight. His eyes.. oh how Harry loved Ron's eyes. The way they glowed in the moonlight-

'What's wrong with me?' His heart ached at images of him laughing and sleepily smiling at Harry, all to think he liked somebody else. 'Why does it.. hurt?'

Harry noticed he had been staring at his fork; a chunk of pancake inching off the end.
He stuffed it into his mouth, and left the cafe, thanking the waiter.


"Harry!" The long waited voice chimed in his head, "Harryyy!"
Harry spun around just in time to get bowled over by a familiar redhead.
'This feels familiar..' Harry thought and chuckled as he replaced his glasses.

"Harry!" Ron seemed to sing Harry's name, as he helped him up. "Sorry.. Er.." Ron's ears glowed red.
Harry wrapped his arms around Ron, grinning. "Good to see you," he breathed.

Hermione then quickly ran to their side. "Hello Harry, been alright?" She smiled. Ron pulled away from Harry, and Hermione lept into Harry's arms too.
They pulled away grinning.
"I've been great thanks, better now." Harry flicked his eyes towards Ron. Ron placed a hand on Harry's forehead from out of the blue.
"You ok? You're really red," he said, his hand radiating warmth through Harry. Harry went redder.
"Oh yeah, just a hot day," Harry gave a nervous laugh, and then Ron and Hermione ran their mouths on all that had happened in the holidays, keeping Harry entertained.


Night quickly fell, and Harry and Ron had been talking to each other inside Ron's room, while Hermione got ready for bed.

"-Hahah, yeah, I mean.. It's good he's gone now, I couldn't stand him. It's just.. what if Snape became our Defence against the dark arts teacher?" Ron said, shuddering at the thought. "He's been going for that position for ages. What if this year's the year?" He finished with his eyes dramatically wide, then broke into laughter when he noticed Harry had been dreading the thought much more.
"It's not funnyyyy!" Harry complained, crossing his legs to face Ron as they sat on his bed. "I'm serious," He moaned, but Ron's giggles were infectious.

The door suddenly creaked. "What's going on here?" Hermione peeked her head through the gap between the wall and the door.

"I was just talking to Harry about how Snape might become the Defence Against the Dark Arts, and you should've seen his face!" He broke into giggles again. Harry playfully pouted at him. Hermione hummed with laughter, and took a seat on the floor, resting her chin against the bed, peering up at the two.

Eventually Hermione and Ginny went to bed, and Harry and Ron were left to themselves. Harry met Ron's eyes, emerald meeting sapphire.
Harry felt his heart clench at the thought of this being as close as Ron would view him of- a friend. It also seemed to show visually as Ron said, "Got something on your mind?"

Harry took in his dreamy smile, and before he got to answer, Mrs. Weasley opened the door and told them to get to bed. Ron looked slightly ticked off but Harry glided out the room, bidding Ron goodnight.

'Oh well..' Harry thought as he tucked himself in bed, 'Guess I do see him differently than Hermione after all..' But Harry began to scowl at the thought of Tom Riddle, Voldemort, giving Harry love advice, and making Harry feel ok.. for a short amount of time anyway, that is.
Harry thought he'd forget this all, I mean, it can't be that hard to stop liking a person.. Can it?
But Harry's thoughts were hushed as sleep crept over him like the full moon crept over the clouds. Everybody was fine right now, right?

And the full moon shone powerfully down on Harry.

Lol y e a h.

That's the end by the way, I'm done with this.


But sorry it's sorta short, the next update will come soonish I guess, since I have more time because I'm BACK IN QUARANTINE WOO.

You has Sketchy keeping y'all sane in these dark times.

Also can you's keep me sane by commenting? I sound like a ROACH but I need 

K bye 

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