The Ellen Show

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"And please give a warm welcome to Emmy award-winning actress Olivia Bailey!" Ellen exclaimed.

Olivia walked out onto the stage and immediately her nerves eased as she saw her fiance sitting in the back row of the audience.

"Hi, thank you so much for having me back" Olivia said giving Ellen a side hug.

"No! Thank you for coming back" Ellen corrected her.

Olivia sat down across from Ellen and waited for the applause to die down.

"So you won an Emmy!" Ellen stated.

" I-I I still can't believe it." Olivia stuttered.

"So tell me what was going through your mind when you heard your name being called" said Ellen

"Well if I'm being completely honest with you I still don't think it has sunken in that I actually won" Olivia joked earning a laugh from the audience.

"But um in all seriousness it was very surreal and it means so much to me. I mean it has been one of my dreams ever since I was little, but when I started 'breaking into the business' you could say, I wasn't acting for the sole purpose of winning an award. I was doing it because I enjoyed it, and I loved making people laugh. But don't get me wrong it does feel amazing to actually get recognized for all you work.  If you told the fourteen year old me that I would one day be sitting here on the Ellen show talking about winning an Emmy I would have slapped you across the face for joking like that."   Olivia said.

"Well. It happened. Your an Emmy award-winning actress with an album dropping soon right?" Ellen questioned

"Yes yes my album will be dropping on November 15th. And you can pre order it now on basically any streaming platform." Olivia stated.

"So you went on a trip to Italy with your boyfriend or should I say now fiancé. And he popped the big question right?" Ellen asked wanting the story.

"Yes he definitely did." Olivia quickly said not giving Ellen the story.

"So tell us how it happened. We want some details." Ellen pushed the question further.

"Haha maybe one day in the future." Olivia laughed. "You see Chord and I have always kept our relationship more on the private side mainly because we like to have a little bit of privacy in our life. A little bit of mystery. But also because there is a significant amount of haters out there that like to attack us for our relationship and we just don't really want to deal with it." Olivia said with a small chuckle.

"Yes I see and I'm so sorry that you have to deal with people like that." Ellen apologized.

"So as we all know you were in a public relationship with Darren Criss a while ago and we know that you guys ended things pretty roughly. Does that have anything to do with the fact that your keeping your current relationship quieter." Ellen questioned.

Olivia felt the tears coming to her eyes once Ellen said his name but quickly pushed them away. Darren was still a sore spot in her heart. As much as she wanted to forget she still had trouble when people would bring his name up.

"Well I'd like to answer no to that question but I would be lying.  Darren and I did have a very public relationship and everyone pretty much new everything. And that caused a lot of problems. And I'm just not wanting that to happen now because I do care dearly about Chord and love him very much" Olivia explained.

"So speaking of Darren. You guys had been dating a whole before you announced it publicly correct" Ellen questioned.

"Well the funny thing is that we never really had to 'announce' it per say. Everyone just kind of assumed and we didn't deny those accusations. However I think I can speak for both Darren and I by saying we just want to move past this part of our life and focus on our projects and our new relationships as Darren and I are now both happily engaged." Olivia said clearly wanting to change the subject.

"Ok, thank you. After the break we will talk more with Olivia about her upcoming role in 'Outer Banks'  and her album release" Ellen announced to the audience.

Once the interview was over Olivia raced into her changing room ignoring anyone trying to talk to her. She couldn't take it anymore. She hated being asked about Darren constantly. She just wanted to forget about him. Forget about everything he did to her.

"Hey Liv, you in here" Chord knocked on the door.

Olivia wiped away her tears and opened the door. Once she saw the view of her now fiance she ran into his arms and let out all of the tears she had been holding back.

Chord felt very confused by the actions of his fiance. He kicked the door shut and walked over to the couch to comfort Olivia.

"Hey baby what's wrong? What happened?" Chord questioned.

"I-I just can't stand that... in every Interview...I do... I always get asked... about Darren... can't they just understand... that I just want to forget about it... and move on" Olivia said in between sobs.

"I know babe... I know just let it all out" Chord said while rubbing small comforting circles on Olivia's back.

"I just don't know what to do anymore" Olivia cried.

"Hey look at me" Chord said lifting up Olivia's head by her chin. "I went through this with Emma. People just want answers. They aren't gonna stop until they get them. Maybe you should talk to Darren and come out with a post asking people to stop asking" chord suggested.

"No, I'm gonna do one better" Olivia said sitting up "Were gonna give them the truth... the whole truth."

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