The Start Of Another Long Distance...?

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"After about 3 months of doing AVPS it came to an end and we flew back to L.A. getting some much needed alone time" Darren started.

"We came home in December and spent Christmas together for the first time, and it was honestly one of the best months in my life... that was until I got the call saying we were filming my movie in London" Olivia finished.


"I'm going to the store do to want anything...or do you want to come" Darren asked hoping for the second option.

"Ya sure I'll be there in a minute let me just get ready" Olivia said getting up from the couch and making her way to their bedroom.

Olivia took her shirt off as she went into her closet to find an outfit to wear. She ended up landing on a tight athletic shirt and the leggings that made Darren go crazy. She put on minimal make-up and was about to walk out of their room as she got a call. 

"hey Ricky whats up" Olivia asked casually. Rickey and Olivia had became pretty good friends ever since he became her manager.

"Hey, well we got an update on 'My Life Without You' and well it can be good or bad news." Ricky said  scared to tell her the news.

"Common Ricky spit it out" Olivia said getting impatient.

"Well itsbeingfilmmedinLondon" Rickey said very fast.

 "Okay i'm just going to pretend I couldn't understand that...say it again" Olivia said as her heart broke.

"Liv, they want to make the movie in London" Ricky said feeling terrible.

"o-oh" was all Olivia could sputter out.

"They want you out there next Monday" said Ricky.

"L-like this upcoming Monday...Ricky that's in four days" Olivia said as tears fell down her face.

"Yes, they want to know if you're in by tomorrow morning" Ricky said looking for an answer. "If you don't want to do it I can see if they can film it here" 

"No, I-I'll do it" Olivia blurted out before she could change her mind.

"Okay...well I gotta get going talk to you later?" Ricky asked.

"Of course thanks Rick bye" 

"Bye bye Liv" 

Olivia put her phone away and collapsed on the bed. She didn't want to leave. L.A. was home for her now and leaving was going to be hard of course, but leaving Darren again was going to be torture. She decided not to tell Darren until she absolutely had to. She wanted to enjoy the rest of her time with him without him stressing about her leaving.

Little did Olivia know that Darren was standing outside of the door with tears in his eyes after listing to Olivia's conversation. His heart was shattered. He just got Olivia to move in with him and now she had to leave again. It sucked enough having her making out with another guy for her job, but now she had to move to London for three month at least. He decided to push it to the back of his mind and enjoy their time left and she would tell him when she was ready.


Two nights later Darren and Olivia are cuddled up next to each other on the couch 'watching a movie', but really Darren was whispering everything he wanted to do to Olivia when they went to bed. 

"Darren stop" Olivia snapped out of nowhere.

"Oh my gosh Liv I-I'm sorry, I thought you were into it and we haven't had sex in almost three nights and I-I just really love you and want to show you all of my love. Plus you look really hot and I know that you're leaving soon and I-" Darren was cut off by Olivia. 

"Wait what...y-you know" Olivia said pulling away from Darren the slightest bit. "h-how" 

"Shit...I- the other day I went to check on you and I heard you talking to Ricky and he said something about London and you said four days and I kinda put two and two together."

"Oh" Olivia didn't know what to say.

"Yeah" Darren didn't either.

They sat in a surprisingly comfortable silence. Olivia suddenly got a huge grin on her face as if she just got the best idea ever. 

"Come with me" 

Flashback Over

"So he moved with me to London for 3 months... that was until he got a call back for glee." Olivia stated.

"I flew back to L.A. for one week for the callbacks not expecting them to give me the job on the spot. They told me they were running behind and I needed to be at the studio in three days ready to film" Darren said with a blank look on his face. 

"The fact the he had to leave me for at least another two months absolutely broke me. I remember getting the call from him saying he wasn't coming back. I was devastated. It was like loosing my best friend, probably because he was" Olivia laughed. "I was beyond happy for him and that he got a role in a hit show and that he was finally getting to live out his dream" Olivia finished.

"I was also very sad about leaving Olivia obviously, but I got too caught up in the fact that I was making my dream come true to realize how much Olivia was hurting. I left her with nothing, just a couple of people she had barley spoken to outside of work. I didn't even think about Olivia when I said yes... and I'm still beating myself up over it. It doesn't matter that without GLEE I wouldn't be where I am now, I should have considered Olivia's feelings. I am so so sorry Liv" Darren said wiping away the single tear that fell.

Olivia let out a small sob remembering how alone she felt and how pissed she was that Darren didn't seem to care about her. Hearing how upset Darren was over his actions made Olivia feel better knowing he was sorry.

She took a deep breath before replying. "It's okay"

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