Chapter 9

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“Kookie hyung why do you have to leave!” Yuan whines. 

Jungkook laughs, ruffling Yuan’s hair. “Because I’m gonna live with Jiminie hyung now.” 

“Why? Do you not like it here?” Bomi chimes in with a pout. “Jiminie hyung’s house is boring!”

“Yeah! I bet Jiminie oppa has no toys in his house!” 

Jungkook lets out another laugh. “You guys are bribing me with toys huh.”

The kids give him the puppy eyes. 

“Alright, alright I see what’s happening here!” Jimin says, suddenly appearing from the kitchen. “You’re trying to make Kookie stay, aren’t you?”

“Jiminie why does he have to live with you now?”

Jungkook pulls Jimin onto the seat next to him. “Because Jiminie and I are together. We are boyfriend and boyfriend.” 

“Eww, like those who kiss each other on the lips like Joonie oppa and Seokjinnie oppa?”

“Yep!” Jimin says, popping the P. “Besides, Kookie’s room will be transformed into another new room since there’s already twenty six of you. You need more space so I’m just gonna take Kookie with me.”

“But we like Kookie!” Yuki whines. “Can’t you take Beomgyu, Soobin, Dongchan, and Geun instead?”

“Hey!” the four boys say in protest. 

Jungkook shakes his head in amusement. “I’ll still be here everyday. I’m just gonna sleep at Jiminie’s home now. It’s gonna be my home too.”

“Hmm… do you wanna stay at Jiminie oppa’s?” 

“Yeah,” Jungkook answers, glancing at Jimin.

“Fine! But you should still come here everyday okay?”

“Of course, I can’t stand a day without seeing all of you.” Jungkook says and then he launches onto the kids and starts tickling the ones he can reach. 

Jungkook sees Jimin laughing as he watches Jungkook being tackled by the kids, and Jungkook flashes his boyfriend a goofy grin. 

It’s been a year since he quit his job as a CEO and left Seoul. He’s been living in the orphanage for a whole year now too, and Jungkook is happy to say that he does not regret his decision. Not one bit. Jungkook hasn’t been this happy ever since his foster parents took him away from the orphanage when he was younger. Now, that he lives in Busan, paints for a living and teaches art lessons to the kids, Jungkook thinks that he’s living his dream. Plus, he has Jimin now, and he’s moving in with Jimin today because Jimin finally asked him plus his room in the orphanage will become the newcomers' room. 

Jungkook is about to get up when he sees Taehyung entering the house with Hoseok and Yoongi behind him. Hoseok and Yoongi left the company when Jungkook did, and it took awhile for them to move, but now they live in Busan too. Yoongi and Hoseok work at a small company together, and the two of them and Taehyung are in a poly relationship just recently.

“Come on, let Kookie hyung go so he can finish packing,” Jimin says to the kids. They immediately get off of Jungkook and then follow Taehyung, Yoongi and Hoseok into the kitchen for snacks. Jungkook is still laying on the carpet looking at Jimin from below. 

“Go and finish packing so we can finish renovating tonight!” Jimin pouts. 

“I’m almost finished babe, don’t worry too much,” Jungkook says, getting up from the floor. 

“And don’t you have an exhibit this weekend? You’re still three paintings behind.”

“Babe,” Jungkook chuckles, pulling Jimin closer to him and kissing the side of his head. “You worry too much. Three paintings is nothing.”

“I know, but it takes you so long to think of an inspiration, remember?”

“I can just paint three you’s,” Jungkook grins.

Jimin rolls his eyes, but wraps his arms around Jungkook’s waist. “I can’t believe you’re gonna move in with me.”

“Me too. Are you sure you want this?”

Jimin looks up to him lovingly. “I’ve never wanted anything else like I want you.” 

Jungkook raises an eyebrow. “That’s my line!”

“What’s yours is mine, my love.” 

Jungkook laughs, squeezing Jimin in an embrace. “Can’t wait to go home with you.”

Jimin sighs in contentment, his head resting on Jungkook's neck. “Me too. I love you so much.” 

Jungkook smiles and pecks Jimin on the lips. “I love you so much more, Jimin.”

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