1|| Amaryllis

19 4 9

My name was Charlotte but everyone called me Charlie. 

I wished I had a sweeter name, a more perfumed name, like my friend Amaryllis's, who was right across the yard bench from me. How could the world be so cruel as to have plain Charlies in a world where Amaryllises exist? To make matters worse, I couldn't even be angry at her for her privilege — it was very much in its right place. Amaryllis's words were perfumed, her smile was perfumed, her eyelashes fluttered with perfume. Her laugh was perfumed. In a sense, she deserved that name, and I knew I couldn't have given it justice. 

What did annoy me though was one thing:

"How come you never go by your full name?" I asked, my head melting into my arms on the table. 

She paused speechless. "Were you listening to me?" 

"Well..." I smiled sheepishly. 

She sighed. "I was saying," pointed eyes, cactus, "I met the new student today. He's... kinda not ugly at all." 

"A new student? Since when does that happen in our school." 

"That's what I said!" flower bud blooming with excitement, "And I asked him that. He said," deepening her voice, "I don't know, ask the birthers."

"Birthers??" I spluttered.

Amaryllis laughed her breezy laugh and I fawned. "I don't know! He's weird, like he doesn't give a damn about anything. I saw him talking to the principal, and I don't know what they were talking about, but I swear it was like the dude was speaking to an annoying little brother or something."

I laughed. "I'd like to see that! What's this mystery guy's name?" 

She paused for drama. "Brandon."

"Brandon of the birthers. Bran." I looked up to the sky, in deep existential thought. "I wonder if Bran likes raisins. I wonder how he feels about them." 

Amaryllis slapped my arm, "Oh, shut up," she giggled, before pausing. "You should ask him yourself! There he is... your raisin bran." 

I turned around, and right there by the school gate was walking the guy with the longest legs I had ever seen. They looked so elegant, like the spindly branches of the oak trees around this very yard. 

I stood up. 

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