I'm Not Normally Like This

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I turned my head and pressed my temple on the edge of the pot, watching the three of them stand in front of me. Charity's eyes widened, she looked confused. "Yeah, thank you so much for having us, but the ring, we have it, my friend found it last night while she was closing-"

Harry grinned, reaching out to shake her hand, "I'm really so glad that you could come."

Charity looked back to me, an expression of 'what the fuck?' plastered across her face. Harry caught my eye and smiled again before bending down so he was face to face with me.

"Georgia, right?"

Here he was, inches away from my face, saying my name with that slow drawl like it had been mispronounced my entire life, and I couldn't say anything. I nodded my head before sitting up and brushing my hair out of my face. I held out the ring for him to take, he laughed under his breath as I dropped it in his palm.

"I found it after you left last night and I knew that Charity was coming here tonight so I figured that I'd let her give it back. I promise I wasn't going to steal it!" I pleaded.

I looked over to Louis who still had his arms crossed over his chest, a look of doubt cast over him. His literal power stance over me filled me with rage. Who the fuck was this guy thinking that he could just fear monger me, a complete stranger, over someting so stupid? I knew that both of these guys were rich enough to just buy another ring.

"I believe you." Harry simply said and held out his hand for me to take.

I shook my head and pulled myself up off the ground. Taking his help would just be embarrassing at this point. He noticed my rejection and coughed before shoving a hand back into his pocket. Charity glared at Louis before coming to throw her arm around me. "It was so nice of you to invite me and let Georgia come, but we should probably just head out before we cause anymore trouble. Again, Georgia found the ring when she was closing, she never meant to pocket the ring."

"It's probably for the best," Louis said.

Harry turned to him, a shocked expression grazing his face before taking a sip of his drink. "Let me at least get you at water before you go, you don't look well."

Before he even let me answer, he was walking back inside, leaving us alone with Louis. He coughed and dragged a hand through his hair, "Sorry, I didn't realize-"

"It's fine," Charity snipped, waving her hand in the air, like she was brushing the situation off.

Harry came back out, an Evian bottle in hand, and gestured for me to take it. Reluctantly, I took a sip and smiled, "Thank you".

"Lou, do you want to grab Charity a water and let her talk to Mitch? I saw that you were chatting earlier," He gives both of us a sly, smile.

How did he even see us talking to him earlier? This man has eyes in the back of his head. Louis wraps an arm around Charity and she instantly melts, god this girl.

"Honestly love, I'm so sorry. I just get protected about the ones that I care about, you know?" I hear him say as he leads her back inside.

I stand for a second, not completely sure what I'm supposed to say or do or why he's even standing out here with me. I take another sip and clear my throat, "I just feel like I need to tell you again that I didn't steal your ring, I found it under a table right before I was leaving."

"I already told you that I believed you, I don't think you're that kind of person." He answered.

"Like that ring is probably expensive enough to pay half of my rent and I won't lie, I thought about it for a second, I really debated selling your ring or something, but I could never do that to someone, no matter who they are and-"

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