Chapter Five:The Fall Out

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After the game.....well the team and I head to a victory party. I got so wasted I hardly remembered what happen when I woke up the next morning. Even though I had a wicked headache, I still had school, and I still had a mother who really wants me to have an education."Goodmorning mom my head's killing me..... can I have a sick day?"I ask my mom after I drag myself to the kitchen."Maybe I would if you had told me you were going to a party"Mom replied making those yummy french toast I love so much.

I sat there watching my mom, as she goes in the refrigerator and take out a gar containing unfamiliar red liquid."Here drink this"said mom,"what's this"I ask, staring intensely at the jar fear the taste of what's in it."It's a cure for hangovers"mom replied."Why do you have a cure for hangovers when you don't even drink......wait do you?"I then ask."No I don't....just drink it"mom replied, I pinch my nose and then it was bottoms up. After I drank that awful tasting drink I ate my breakfast and before I knew it I was all better, the cure really worked. And with that off to skl I went.

School, like always was more of the same.... well not really I got a lot more friends, followers and a lot more enemies. And all because of one game. I found a lot of heart's on paper locker and also a note saying "say away from the court or else" scary stuff."Hey super star!"Harmony exclaimed walking toward my locker,"super star... no I'm not there yet, but I wanna thank you for talking to coach for me, i couldn't have done it without you"I stated."If you think so then your welcome"she repiled with a grin.

"I heard about you and Ashley....are you sure about this?" Harmony ask,"No need to worry I got this"I replied taking a book from my locker then closing it. The bell then rang and we walked to class together, remember when I said It was an ordinary day.....other from the extra attention there was. Lunch with Chris,Jayden,Hakeem and Lucy, classes obviously, practice after school, as I said ordinary day. Then I head home.

On my way home I tooked the time to think about my life and the person's  who camed in and changed it for the betterment. Persons such as Chris, Lucy, Hakeem,Jayden,Harmony and even Ashley it's crazy, I didn't dwell on it too long as Harmony pulled the car to a sudden stop. I was home, we were about to bid her farewell then I ask"so what are you doing tonight?". What she replied, I didn't expect,"I don't know maybe I'll go to Ashley's party" Harmony replied.

"Ashley is throwing a party and didn't invited me"I stated in confusion, and like always my superhero was always there to save me."Hey forget about the party...... i have an idea you wanna do something crazy"said Harmony,"Like what?"I ask still in complete despair."If you promise not to wreck it, I'll allow you to drive my car until the gas is finish"Harmony whispered. I knew she trust me but I didn't know she trust me that much.

"You have almost a full tank, we would be driving for hours and I know you know I can't drive"I stated in excitement."I told you it was ganna be something crazy.... and if anything is magically suppose to happen I'll be here"she replied. We drove around the neighbourhood for hours, until I literally fell asleep while driving, such good luck there weren't anyone around. Who knew driving could be such a difficult thing yet soo fun.

Harmony took over after I feel asleep an she took us home. She dropped me off then she went home. It was a night to remember upon the time my mom ground me for coming home late... it didn't matter. The next morning I got a text from Harmony saying "great driving last... it was fun hope to do it again".

With that text, my morning got a whole lot brighter. I ran down the stairs, toward kitchen where mom was making breakfast and I shouted "I need a car" my mom and Haley stated laughing, apparently it's the funniest thing they have ever heard."son why do you need a car?...myslef or Harmony  can drive you to school" mom ask." Because I think I'm of the age to own one"I replied,"mom if this loser is ganna get a car I want my privacy.... that means I wanna be able to close my door when my friends are over"stated Haley before leaving.

"I would buy you car but I don't think that your ready to be driving"mom repled. We went back and forth on why I should be getting a car and then we settled on a arrangement "ok I'm ganna get you a car if you drive your sister to school every single day" said mom.. I jumped in excitement "Ok ok"I said then I rush over to tell Harmony the good news."Hey Harm!!.. guess what"I exclaimed,"Harm I like that it makes me sounds like a badass"said Harmony.

"Listen I know that you have something to tell me, but I wanna say something fisrt"Harmony stated." I don't thing you should go to the dance with Ashley."why?.... you know that's all I want since I've been here"I ask. Little did I know this small conversation would turn into a big argument... we when on for awhile until."what, you like me of something?"I ask,"eww no!"she reapled."So why are you trying to control my life!?"I ask, "GET OUT NOW!"Harmony shouted with passion.

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