19 | Payback mission

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"You're not taking my part!" Sarah exclaimed as she stepped in front of Betty, blocking the entrance so she couldn't walk into class.

Betty sighed. "What do you want now, Sarah?" She was more than agitated by her sisters daily tantrum's about stupid and irrelevant things. She always had to yell at Betty about something.

"Don't even think about trying out for the lead." Sarah hissed.

Betty rolled her eyes. "Hate to break it to ya sis....but it's kind of a little too late for threats. We had auditions yesterday."

Sarah crossed her arms over her chest, looking as if she was trying to think of something new to rag Betty about but couldn't exactly come up with anything.

"Well, while you sit here and brainstorm about what you're going to yell about next, I'm heading into class." Betty tried walking around her, but Sarah stepped in front of her once again.

"What now?" She huffed.

"I hope you know you're not getting the lead, and if you do, it's only because you're Kevin's best friend." Sarah stated before turning around and walking into the class.

Betty looked taken aback for a second. What if Kevin did pick her only because they're best friends and he felt bad? What if he knew Sarah was the better one but isn't giving her the part because she's a bitch? Betty didn't want to play a part out of sympathy, she wanted to play a part that she actually earned. She didn't need his or anyone elses pity, nor did she want it. She couldn't play the part knowing someone else deserved it. She just couldn't.

Betty cleared her throat, pushing back all of the thoughts in her head as she walked into class. Sarah somehow always knew how to get inside Betty's head and make her overthink stuff that should be simple, maybe because they're twins, Betty didn't know.

"Betty, hey." Cheryl greeted with a smile as Betty sat down behind her.

"Hey, Cheryl."

"Hey Betty, how come you never sit with us at lunch?" The bulldog's captain's right hand man, Reggie Mantle, asked as he was turned in his chair facing her and Cheryl.

"Yeah, as the new HBIC you have to sit with us." A cheerleader gawked.

"HBIC?" Betty whispered to Cheryl.

"Head bitch in charge. Sarah has been knocked down to loservill with Jughead because she's prego―and especially after that tweet you posted about her, that definitely earned you a spot right on top." Cheryl smirked.

Betty felt a guilty feeling pass throughout her body. She didn't post the tweet nor was she going to lie and say she did. "I didn't post that tweet though."

Cheryl furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Someone must of got onto my account and posted it because I surely didn't do it." Betty explained.

Cheryl raised an eyebrow. "Well, while we make everyone's life here a living hell, we have to figure out who's on your Twitter so we can make sure they don't want to live another day of their worthless li―"

"―So, are you sitting with us today, Betty?" Archie asked, having a spark of hope in his eyes.

Betty heard Cheryl mutter something about stupid red heads as she turned around in her seat.

"Uh, I kind of don't want to have my best friend sitting alone." Betty explained, but really she just didn't want him to go and sit with Veronica, Jughead, and especially Sarah. She knew it was selfish of her, but she knew if he did Sarah would no doubt fill his ears up with bad stuff about Betty. She just couldn't risk it.

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