Chapter 32 (Delivery)

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~Massive time skip~

So let me fill you in, it's been 8 months and guess what bitch, i found out that I'm having fucking twins, like I am pushing 2 children out of my hOoHaH, Tayler has been nothing but helpful, he has been helping around as he is truly happy for the babies, I have moved in with Tayler and we have decided to find out the genders of the babies at birth.
And that leads us up to where we are now
Faith: BABYYYY!!
Tayler: yes! Baby! What's up! Are you ok?
Tayler: omg is it happening!
And with that my water broke
Tayler: aaaaaaaahhhh!!!! WTF do I do?
He grabbed me and put me in the car,
Tayler: Baby breathe, everything is going to be ok, take deep breaths bubs
Tayler: Baby, we're here
He picked me up bridal style and walked into the hospital
Faith: babyyyy!
I get put on a stretcher and rolled into a hospital room and put on a bed
Doctor: how far apart are your contractions
Tayler: 8 minutes
Doctor: ok so I'm going to check how dilated you are, can you please open your legs (I've been wheezing for like 5 minutes)
Faith: Tayler, don't even think about looking!
Tayler: ok sorry
Doctor: ok so you are 4cm dilated, we need to wait until it's 10cm, I can give you an epidural though
Tayler came up to me and held my hand, by this time tears were streaming out of my eyes
Tayler: everything will be ok baby, we will have two beautiful, healthy babies
Faith: I love you
Tayler: I love you too
And again, I massive shooting pain arrived
Tayler: it's ok baby, it's ok
Doctor: ok, your doing a good job darling, you're at 7cm, and your contractions are how long apart?
Tayler: 3 minutes
Faith: aaaaaaahhhhhhh! Fuckkkkkkkkk!
Tayler: well done Faith, you are doing so good
Faith: SHITTTTT!!! these are some fat babies
Doctor: ok you're 10cm dilated and your contractions are 1 minute apart, we can start, so I want you to let out a big push in 3..2..1
Faith: Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
I say crying, trying my hardest to think about the beautiful babies that will come out
Doctor: come on, keep going
Faith: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh
Doctor: ok 1 large push and one of them will be out
And with that a horrific crying noise came out
Doctor: the first baby is out, your doing great darling, just a few more pushes
Faith: aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
Tayler: you're doing so good baby girl
Faith: I CANT DO IT, IT HURTS aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh
Tayler: you can do it baby you've done one
Faith: aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
Once again a horrific crying noise was heard
Doctor: WELL DONE, you did it now I just need to cut the umbilical cord. It gets cut and 5 minutes later the nurse comes out with two babies
Doctor: are you guys ready to find out the gender of the babies
Faith: yes
Tayler: yesss!
Doctor: so.. there is one girl and one boy
Tayler: yayyyyy
Faith: yesssssss
She hands me the boy and hands Tayler the girl
Faith: hello babyyyy
Tayler: hello princess, well done Faith, you did so good
Faith: thank you
Tayler: they are absolutely beautiful
Faith: they are, can I please hold her
Tayler: here
And with that comes the horrific crying noise starts again
Faith: she really is a daddy's girl
~Time skip~ (guys I'm sorry, I know that part was long and boring and NOT ACCURATE, I've never given birth) They are in the car on the way home
Tayler: what do you want to name them?
Faith: what did we settle on?
Tayler: Payton and Paisley?
Faith: yes should we do that?
Tayler: yes, that's so cute
Faith: great Paisley is crying
Tayler: we're pulling in to the driveway now
We got out the car and I tried picking Paisley up but she wanted her father so I took Payton
Faith: should we put them in the play room?
Tayler: yup let's go
Faith: babe?
Tayler: yeah
Faith: Paisley doesn't like me 🥺
Tayler: she does like you baby
Faith: she better like me because I pushed her out of me
Tayler: don't make it weird bubs
Faith: but she is a daddy's girl
Tayler: she ain't calling me daddy, that's too sexual, she gonna have to call me bruh or some shit like that
Faith: Tayler!
~Time Skip~
We place the babies into their cribs, get into bed and of course Paisley started crying
Faith: does this baby ever shut up?
Tayler: hey leave my princess alone
Tayler got up and picked her up and she immediately calmed own, he climbed into bed with her
Tayler: can she please sleep here with us
Faith: sure
Tayler: hey, hey shhh it's ok princess, daddy's here to protect you
Faith: awwww Tayyyy
Tayler: i love her
Faith: what about Payton
Tayler: he is my man, of course i love him
Faith: good because he is my baby boy

Please Read:
Ok so THE BABIES are here and im SO sorry for the giving birth part I've never given birth so I had no idea what I was writing and also updates take longer when I have no ideas for future chapters so if you have any ideas please comment them, also ITS MY BIRTHDAY 💕💕

Please Read:Ok so THE BABIES are here and im SO sorry for the giving birth part I've never given birth so I had no idea what I was writing and also updates take longer when I have no ideas for future chapters so if you have any ideas please commen...

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(lol, you don't have to say happy birthday, I'm just excited 🤣😊)
Word count: 945

(lol, you don't have to say happy birthday, I'm just excited 🤣😊)Word count: 945

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