Adoption Center!

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They slept peacefully Kookie's hands were at Tae's waist while Tae's face was at the the crook of Jungkooks neck.


What Author Sees :

Jungkook woke up too see a beautiful person in front of him. "Hey Tae baby wake up." Kookie said shaking him politely but soon after earned a groan from Tae.
"Kookieeeee im sleeeeeeeepy." Tae whined like a little baby. "I know come on we gotta go to the adoption center to get the adult." After Tae heard that he shot his eyes open. "Oh yeah i forgot c'mon let's get changed."

Tae and Kookie got up and changed but it looked like Tae fell down from the pain in his Taebooty.

"Wow i really did pound on you that hard now did i." Tae whined from the tease. "Kookie i swear you better help me you were the cause of this or i can pound on you next time now help me before i lose my temper."

Kookie rolled his eyes playfully and helped him up. "Yeah,yeah you may lose you temper but you already lost your virginity frome me." Kookie smirked while bringing him to the closet.

Tae blushed 50 shad- no more than 50 shades of blush. "Kookie say one more thing and im not even gonna pleasure you for one whole week." Kookie decided to keep his mouth shut after what he heard cuz he really likes feeling pleasured

After they were done changing they went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

"So Tae what do you wanna eat." Tae looked at Kookie then said. "I would like some pancakes with some-" Tae was cut off by Kookie. "And some coffee ok." Tae widened his eyes cuz he didn't really like coffee. "Bitch i don't like coffee this is why i said one more thing from your mou-" Tae was cut off again by Kookie. "Im sorry i won't say anything else for today."

Tae gave a 'really' look. "Heyyyyyy you said one more thing from my mouth you didn't say how many days." Kookie whined. "Fine i guess." Tae rolled his eyes playfully then heard Kookie say. "Pancakes are ready here."

Tae grabbed the plate and started eating the pancakes slowly and got some in the corner of his mouth which made him look silly. "Hey you have some in the corner of your mouth here." Kookie said passing the tissue to Tae.

Tae giggled and once they were done they put the dishes in the dish washer then headed out to go to the adoption center.

"I can't wait." Said Kookie since he was the one who asked for the adult. Tae sat there smiling at Kookie. "Mhm why don't you pick the adult while i stay in the car since i can't walk properly." Kookie smiled. "No your coming im not leaving you here please come with me i really want you there with me what if something happens and then you don't know what happened to me please come."

Tae then gave up and said. "Fine but if i fall your helping me up." Kookie giggled and said. "Promise."

Once they got out they went inside and met the person who looked like the office lady.

"Hello welcome to the Adoption center what could i help you with." (I actually don't know what they say though.)

"Uhh,yes we would like to adopt an adult who is 20 years old." The office lady smiled and said. "Oh yes go to the door right there *she pointed to the door next to Kookie.* and in there you will see a lot of people but we only have one more person who is an adult that is 20 would you like to see him."

Tae said. "Yes i really want to see him."

The lady got got out of the office desk and walked to the room and got out the adult.

He looked had a petite body and was so cute his pale skin matched with the gray hair which he dyed and haded blue eyes pink rosy small lips and a tint of blush on his cheeks.

Tae and Kookie thought perfection was in front of them.

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