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Same ass clothes people.

No Ones POV

Yoongi was in high school the usual while his mom was at home doing house work.

Yoongi was finished with school he was talking to his friends on his way home.

Yoongi was really well known around the neighborhood because he was really a kind and innocent person and because of that you get really well known if you're known to have a personality that could just make people around you feel safe right?

Yoongi's neighborhood were his friends some haded a huge crush on him and some hated him from his innocent actions and for his kindness but what can i say he was actually really innocent and really kind.

When Yoongi said goodbye to his friends he went inside the house to see it clean and nice with a hint of lavender. "Mom im home!" Yoongi softly yelled walking to his room but of course he putted his shoes in the door way.

His mom didn't respond which was weird because she always responded Yoongi went to look in her room since that's where she always was.

Yoongi found his mom sitting down texting on the phone with a bright smile that always made Yoongi calm down.

But that smile wasn't any normal smile that smile was the same smile that his dad gave her that one smile that says. 'Im in love with you.'

And if you're wondering where his dad is well... His dad died because someone robbed their old house and murdered him...

Yoongi and his mom live in a huge house now because his mom haded a friend who was her boss the CEO and well he helped her and now they live here thanks to him.

Everyone in the neighborhood know about his dark past so they always made sure to be kind back to him but a little bit of people weren't so kind instead they were rude to him.

Yoongi looked to who his mom was texting and saw a muscular dude like a really really muscular dude. "Who is that?" Yoongi said surprising his mom. "Aish Yoongi why didn't you alert me that you were already here you scared the jeepers creepers out of me." His mom said. "I did alert you that i came home but you didn't respond so i came here and saw him texting you so who is he?" Yoongi said innocently.

His mom blushed a little. "O-oh sorry honey well um he's Kim Taehyung and he has a son that's Kim Jungkook." His mom said. "Oh ok imma go to my room now- wait how did you guys even meet?" Yoongi said stopping his tracks from moving. "Oh well he lives in South Korea Seoul and well we started texting each other and we had some plans." His mom said. "Oh well what are the plans?" Yoongi said smiling. "Oh the plans well um." His mom started acting really weird and i mean really weird which kinda scared Yoongi.

Yoongi whined because he was scared and well Yoongi was just too innocent to even figure it out. "Sorry honey come sit next to me ok and i'll tell you the full story and then you can eat and then go shower and then go back to bed yeah?" His mom said Yoongi just nodded and made his way over to her sitting next to her pulling the covers over him then going on his side ready to listen.

His mom cleared her throat then began talking. "Well one day when you were in school i was cleaning then i got a message from someone who i don't know and well we started talking he told me everything about him and then i told him everything about me and well when we started talking we caught feelings for each other and then we started dating then we wanted to meet each other so i said yes and i told him i had a son and well he wanted to meet you too and he told me he haded a son too so we all wanted to meet each other and well... His wife well um she didn't make it while fighting cancer and then i told him about your dad and well we made up our decision to date and well yeah that's what happened." His mom said smiling.

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