Part 2: the plan

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The clay dragon flew through the air elegantly as Deidara grappled Tobi by the cuff of his shirt.
"Why the hell did you think about going after Orochimaru-un?" Quickly, Tobi used his jutsu, causing Deidara to phase right, almost slipping off of the gigantic clay creature. 'I always hated that move' he snarled to himself, only just managing to stand back up as Tobi brushed off imaginary dirt from his top.
"I'm sorry Senpai. I just thought Orochimaru might let us take Sasuke. After all the kid's nothing special. Please don't be mad." Just like that, there it was again. Tobi's kiddie expression. Deidara, for some reason, had a soft spot for this side of Tobi so deciding to not take the aggressive route, for once in his life, he sat down with his legs crossed.
"Look it's fine-un. We're just going to have to figure out a trade." Deidara said, before the idea finally hit him. Rubbing his chin he immediately began thiking. 'How about Tobi for Sasuke. That would have to work rignt? Maybe I could somehow get Tobi to fall for it.' Within seconds his plans were solidified. There was no way this was going to go wrong! The dragon slowly dropped in height as they drew closer to the hideout of Orochimaru. The wind swept their face and flapped their signature cloaks as they came in to land. Now it was time to get Tobi on board.
"Listen Tobi." Deidara said, staring at Tobi in his eyes, or what he conceived as his eyes as Tobi wore a mask. Tobi nodded and stared back into his.
"What is it Senpai?" He asked eagerly, knowing that his Deidara was amazing at plans.
"I'm going to need you to go with Orochimaru. That way we can get Sasuke. Got it?" He explained, not knowing if the child was even paying attention to any of the words he was saying. He decided to not repeat himself as Tobi nodded his head in aggreement. He gave a soft smile as the dragons feet dug into the muddy ground. In front of them was a huge building that looked like it even went underground. There was no doubt about it. This was Orochimarus hideout. As they landed on the floor, the dragon poofed out of existent leaving them as the only two visible people.
"Just follow my lead." He said as they approached the huge bridge, separating them from the somehow bigger  fortress led out in front of them. Tobi nodded whilst they stepped onto the swaying bridge. The breeze knocked them slightly as they continued walking. Apart from the clip clop of their sandals on the wood, it was quiet... ominously quiet. Deidara couldn't help but think to himself. 'If Orochimaru was so wanted, wouldn't he have guards.' He couldn't help but think to himself. Then again, it was probably better to hide away than to be noticed. He knew that all to well. Finally, they reached the end of the bridge when they were greeted by a blue haired teen with square glasses.
"So you must be Tobi and Deidara, I presume." He explained as they made it to the end. His voice was slightly cold and gave Deidara the heeby jeebies. Still, he had to stay focused.
"Yep!" Tobi answered for him, jumping around Deidara as if he was a pole. With quick reflexes, he grabbed a hold of the toddler and pulled him towards him.
"Would you stop that?" He more or less demanded with an irritated "un" on the end of his sentence.
"Sorry senpai." Tobi apologised after gulping. Deidara recognised the person standing patiently in front of them.
"So you're Kabuto. Correct. You are the spy for Orochimaru." He guessed. After all, he had heard some talk of this Kabuto kid for a while. Kabuto nodded calmly.
"Orochimaru hasn't got all day so he would like to get this done quickly." Kabuto rushed them before beckoning them to enter the creepy lair. Deidara felt there was no choice. 'Backing out now would make us look suspicious.' The young adult thought to himself as he and Tobi entered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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