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Alright now I have my whole upload thing sorted silly me here another chapter in one day lol dedicated to my best friend Claire she's the most wonderful person ever even if she wasn't my best friend she would be awesome anyway alright here we go.


Who the hell uses chloroform these days. Was all I could think, out of all things in the world to use why that, sure it's affective and shit but come on!

I woke up, with a dim light ahead of me. Where am I? God I was so screwed wasn't I. I looked down at myself to my state. I was still in my shorts and tank top from last night. Wait how many days had I been out, it was only a little bit if chloroform so not long. I assumed. I moved my hands slowly, thinking there would be some restraint. None. I got up off the bed and walked to the crack of light, a window shining the suns rays. I opened the curtains to a bright beautiful day just as it had been that morning. I quickly walked to the door, sure not to make noise. I opened the door slightly and walked out in to long hall it was unfamiliar. I walked down the hall slowly. It seemed to drag on forever, like those photos of a hall that just keeps getting longer the closer you get. I heard chattering from what assumed was a down stairs room. I found the stairs and descended slowly and carefully. Watching from the staircase I watched a young man, sit at a couch, the lounge was modern, all the furniture in the lounge was. He was watching a tv show, 'friends'. That chestnut coloured hair it looked so so familiar, who was it. A memory came to me, Luke his chestnut coloured hair flying in the breeze sweeping over his eyes. I walked down the stairs confident it was him, the second last step creaked under my foot. Damn so close. He whipped his around staring at me.

"Are you trying to escape from me?" He asked amused. "Yeah actually sorry if that interferes with your plains." I said walking down the remaining step and walking to the couch. "How did I get here!?" I asked annoyed hands on hips. "Well your uncle is a bit of a tossa let me tell you that, I heard about what happened him not being, yeah anyway he wasn't pleased about it and tried to kidnap you, I was in your drive way as it happened, I tried to stop them but they drove off Angelo and I chased them, long story short, we saved you. Um do you want some breakfast?"

That hole story sounded stupid I had so many questions at that moment. Why were you visiting Angelo how do you know him? Why did I come back to your place and not my own? This all seemed wired. I let it go the minute I caught his eyes. They trapped me. They were bright but dark I couldn't help. But stare at the them they were beautiful. "Breakfast yeah, I'm sure." I managed to blurt out. "Right this way." He said leading me towards what was obviously the kitchen. "What would you like?" He asked looking In the fridge. "Do you have eggs, flour, syrup and other shit like that?" I asked thinking of waffles, yeah you could say I like waffles. "Ah yeah. Why." He asked confused.

"Well then your going to have the best waffles ever!" I exclaimed, jumping off the stool I was sitting at. "What do you need?"

"Um just leave it ill do it, I make them with love they taste great." I started making the batter mixing it together. Luke came up behind looking over my shoulder. "Looks good" he said as he went to stick his finger in for a taste. I turned around hitting his nose with the spoon batter dripping off his nose. "Don't be naughty you have to wait." I giggled.

"Oh really?"

"Yes really"

Before I knew it there was food fight happening. He grabbed a handful running to the other side of the kitchen island. Ready to throw it. I picked up the spoon ready to fling batter at him. We started to throw food both of us laughing our heads off. He ran over grabbing me as I tried to run away. Holding me close to him he picked up the bowl off the bench holding me to him. Then before I knew it I was drenched in waffle batter. "Karma's a bitch Nikita!" He chuckled,

"I thought your name was Luke." I said sarcastically still laughing my head off. He was still holding me as he looked down to my eyes. We were almost the same height I came up to his nose. His face dropped from a smile to blankness. He looked down at my lips. He leaned forward brushing his lips against mine. He started to kiss me it felt like waves crashing around me, the cold water up to my knees. It was like the tide pulling me in, I wanted it to swallow me up. The kiss was amazing. He lifted me up onto the bench he was between my legs. But his kissers weren't hungry with lust they were sweet and gentle but still passionate.

"Wtf!" ...


Alright then another chapter done I'm going to bed hope you liked it guys xox

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