battle cry

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The group of teens peered up the wall, each attempting to come up with ideas of getting up and over it to safety outside.

"Hm... how about I use my quirk and make us float up and over it! Oh, a landing may be a little rough though..." Uraraka clapped her hands together as she chimed in, beaming at the others.

"That is an amazing idea, Uraraka-chan!" Iida agreed, enthusiasm filling his voice and demeanor as he praised his classmate.

"While normally that would be a decent plan, my quirk will nullify yours, and as long as I'm there, we won't be able to leave the ground." Dazai bumped his boot cast into the wall as he spoke, turning his head towards and peering up the bricks to the top.

"Oh... you're right..." the brown haired girl deflated.

"Dazai-kun, how exactly does your quirk work, if you don't mind my asking?" Izuku asked, a curious expression on his face as he pressed a fist to his chin, thinking.

"This is not the damn time to be working on an analyse De--"

"Through physical touch, my skin or any part of my body has to make contact with someone. And it doesn't shut off." Dazai interrupted, turning back to the students, watching them quietly as they thought.

Midoriya's head perked up suddenly and a look of excitement crossed his face.

Quickly, the green haired teen shucks his coat off and approaches Dazai, and to the brunette's surprise, along with the others present, tosses it over the bandage swathed boy's head.

Dazai made a surprised noise and began to push it off, but Midoriya cocooned it around him tightly, sufficiently bundling him up. 

Midoriya picked Dazai up, who had since given up trying to pull the coat off and had simply gone limp in his hold, and turned to the others.

"If his quirk is based on skin contact, if we cover up the skin, me or Iida should be able to get him over it without deactivating our quirks!" Midoriya proudly proclaimed to the others.

"Good idea, Midoriya-kun. We can all just get over the wall with our own quirks then, without worrying about supporting him if only one of us is needed to cover him." Todoroki nodded in response, and the others gave their support of the idea.

"You damn losers, I'm not gonna wait all fucking day for you to get done talking!" Bakugou barked, palms sparking as he propelled himself over the wall without difficulty.

"Ah... if only it was that easy for everyone." Ochako sighed, activating her quirk and stuck close to the wall as she floated upwards.

Iida's engines revved and he leapt up the wall, momentum keeping him going until he breached the top and leapt down.

Todoroki was the smoothest, creating several spaced out steps that grew progressively higher before he disappeared over the top. 

"Alright, Dazai-kun! Are you ready?" A muffled sigh escaped the figure in his arms.

"Yes, I'm ready. Please do it quickly, because your coat smells like sweat." Midoriya turned a deep scarlet that Dazai couldn't see and stuttered out an apology to the brunette.

Izuku crouched, calling upon a fifth of One for All's power and felt it leaking within his veins, and with a leap, he was flying over the wall, feeling the way Dazai's entire body tightened in his grip, likely from the suddenness of it all, before he landed on the pavement outside, knees creaking painfully from the fall.

About to place Dazai down and release him from his coat, Midoriya glanced up, surprised by the others' silence, and was met by the muzzle of a gun.

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