The Rumors Are True

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Authors Note: This chapter is going to talk a lot about the magical aspect that's been introduced. Be prepared for lots of information and mythological creatures to be called out. Sorry about the long word vomit but it needs to be done so we can get back to the main plot.Safe and Happy Reading!~MJN


After a warm shower, breakfast, and brief conversations with Locke, I led Harper to her class. Julie smiled at me before launching into a conversation with Harper, who admittedly seemed to be loving her teacher and class.

I waved goodbye, though that wasn't sufficient enough apparently as she ran to me and wrapped her hands around my waist.

"I love you Ives." My heart cracked a bit as her words registered and although I wanted to return her words, they got caught in my throat. Luckily, Harper gave me a tight squeeze before she took off and joined into a conversation with some other kids.

My chest swirled with different emotions as I watched her interact with her peers. Her silver hair bounced as she talked animatedly.

Love was my main emotion, and although I couldn't voice that emotion, I completely loved Harper. Her perky attitude, bright personality, and her pure excitement for everything.

I also felt complete devotion, knowing that I would do anything and everything if it brought a smile to her face. That little girl had gone from being a stranger and, to my astonishment, has become nearly my whole world.

From the few conversations with Locke that we've had about her, I know he feels the same way.

Nothing bad would ever happen to Harper as long as Locke and I were alive, that I was sure about.

Julie waved goodbye to me as I turned and left. Usually, The King held a meeting with Locke, Soren, and I but today he was traveling down to the capital and visiting his people. He was probably the only king of the four who bothered with his people.

My destination came into view, the royal stables. One of the stable boys greeted me as he walked by with two pure white horses trailing behind him.

I couldn't help the smile that crept across my face as I breathed in the horse smell that fermented the air.

Ragnar nickered at me as soon as he saw me, his hoof banging against the stable in greeting.

"Hello boy." I cooed at my massive stallion.

"He gets a hello, but I don't?" Locke whined as he pushed from where he leaned against Ragnar's stall.

"I don't like you." I deadpanned to Locke before I turned to Ragnar and pet his nose. "We don't like him right.," I said in a baby voice to my horse.

He snorted something that sounded like an agreement as I turned to my brother.

"I talked to Soren today." My brother started a conversation.

"Let me guess," I pretended to think as I looked up to the ceiling. "You already know everything that he told me about yesterday."

Locke nodded, not even looking sorry for leaving me out of the loop.

"What! How?" I punched my brother in the arm, already hating him today.

"I'm the King's Captain of The Guard. I kind of have to know this stuff." Locke said in his defense.

"What does the King have-" I stopped mid-sentence. "Is he one too?" I asked, amazement and shock coating my voice.

"Like son, like father," Locke said, reversing the common saying. He reached up and combed his red locks out of his face, his jade-green eyes flicking to Ragnar. "There's still a lot you should know." He sighed.

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