"Great to hear that you'd love to attend our school! Do you have your two monologues prepared?" The man over the phone asked me. "Yessir, I do." I said bubbly, but on the inside I was way beyond nervous. "Sounds perfect! Any questions for me before I let you go?" He asked me. "Umm when is my dead line?" I questioned. "August 10th, ma'am." He replied. August 10th I thought to myself. "Okay, thank you so much!" "Oh my pleasure, have a wonderful day." He spoke in a soft tone. "Thank you, you too!" The call ended. I took a deep breath, then let it out with a bit of  shakiness. "Okay, Zoey. You got this, you've been wanting this for years and now it's all finally going to become a reality." I gave myself a bit of a pep talk in the room my mom and my baby brothers were staying in.

After gathering myself together, I finally made my way downstairs to find my mom and my sister sitting on the couch watching tv. "Hey, Zoe! Did you see-" My sister Abree pauses, as she made eye contact with me. "What's wrong?" I question. "I was just about to ask you the same thing. Why do you look so.. Nervous?" She asked. My mom was quick to look at me once Abree asked that. "Oh um I actually just got off the phone with someone from AMDA." I smiled. "Oh yeah? What'd they say?" My mom asked while looking at the tv, as did Abree. "Oh um so basically, if I get accepted into the school I have to attend both of their campuses. I'll do my first two years in New York City then my last two in L-" "Oh my gosh look at her!" I was cut off by my mom pointing to the tv talking talking to Abree. "I know! She's crazy!" Abree laughed. "Right!" My mom giggled. "Okay wow, y'all aren't listening to me. I'll just go." I mumbled to myself as I walked away to the island in the kitchen and sat on one of the stools. I sighed as I pulled out my phone and opened Snapchat to see that my best friend texted me. I told him about the whole phone call and he was so supportive, as always. At least I have one person that has my back. I made my way upstairs to the room my sisters and I were staying in. I flopped on the bed as I opened YouTube to see if anything good would pop up. I swiped up until I stumbled across an old Dolan Twin video. Extreme Laughing Challenge. Though I've seen it a million times, I still clicked because I never get tired of those boys. "What's up guys! We're back!" They said at the same time. I smiled at my phone while watching the video. "One day, everything will be okay. One day." I spoke aloud to myself.

~One Year Later~

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe you're already off to college! It seems like just yesterday you were barely going to your first day of school." My mom sobbed, her eyes watery. "Don't cry, mom. This is everything I've worked for." I smiled. "I know, I know. I'm just going to miss you. Texas is far from New York." She spoke softly. "I know, but it's okay. I'll visit every chance I get." I assured her. I then proceeded to say my goodbyes to all of my siblings, my mom, my aunt, and then came my uncle and my dad. "I love you so much girl, you make me so proud." My uncle smiled at me. My eyes then got watery, "I love you too, thank you for everything! I won't let you down." I hugged him. "I know you won't girl, I know." He said softly as he hugged me back. I wiped my eyes as I walked up to my dad, "Well, I guess I'll catch you later." I giggled in awkwardness. "Just be smart for me, please. Remember everything I've taught you, from fighting to boys." He arched his left eyebrow at me. "Dad, I know. I'm not dumb, I'll be okay. I'm a big girl, quite literally too." I laughed trying to lighten up the mood. "Zoey, don't forget you're perfect the way you are. Don't let anyone try and change you, please. You don't need to be no size two to be beautiful." He smiled at me as he pulled me in for a hug. "Thanks." I faked smiled and hugged him back. "I love you, have a safe flight." He said. "Thank you, I will. You too, dad. You have a flight back to California to catch." I giggled. He just simply gave me a smile. I took a deep breath, "Well it's getting close to time. I should head up to the medal detectors and wait for me to take off." I softly smiled at them all. "Okay, be careful! We love you!" They all said. "I love y'all too! I'll FaceTime you guys as so as I land or something!" I smiled as I made my way to the medal detectors. My smile didn't fade, for once, everything just felt okay. I was attending my dream school, I was going to one of the coolest cities in America, I got a full ride scholarship, everything was just amazing right now.

"New York City, here we come!" The pilot announced through the speaker. I sent a message to everyone that I was about to take off, then I buckled my seatbelt. Just four hours and I'll be making my dreams come true! I tried sleeping since it was so early in the morning, but I just couldn't. I was way too excited and impatient to sleep right now.

As soon as we landed and I heard I could take my phone off airplane mode, I immediately messaged my friends and family saying that I just landed. I then also checked an email AMDA had sent me about my roommate and where to meet her. "By terminal 10 next to the 6th exit?" I questioned to myself reading the email in a whisper voice to myself. I bit my lip in nervousness hoping I don't get lost because I've never been to New York nor have I ever flown through JFK, obviously. I started packing the small things I had into my carry-on bag and made my way out of the plane. I then grabbed my phone and began recording for my YouTube video, "Hey guys! I just landed in New York City, finally! All my excitement made the ride feel like it was forever!" I laughed. "But now it's time to get my bags, find my roommate and see what she has in store for me. So I'll see you guys in a bit!" I smiled as I stopped recording. I put my phone away as I made my way to find my bags.

"Terminal 10, 6th exit." I kept repeating to myself as I made my way towards my destination. I kept my eyes pealed on every sign the airport had hanging up, "Perfect! Terminal 10!" I smiled to myself in a whisper, as I made a sharp left. "Now all I need is to find exit 6." I told myself. I tried to keep myself focused to find the exit, but I had so many emotions and thoughts running through my head that I felt like I was gonna explode. "Yes! There it is!" I said aloud, very loud to myself at that matter. Everyone around me just stared at me. Butterflies instantly filled my stomach due to all the embarrassment I felt in an instant. "Sorry I'm just- Well you know I thought I'd-" I kept stumbling over my words trying to apologize to everyone around me. "I- Yeah um I'm so sorry y'all! I didn't mean to startle anyone or anything." I laughed awkwardly. "Well um there's my exit," I pointed to the door, "So I'ma just head out." I smiled awkwardly as I made a full 360 fast and started speed walking towards the door. I kept my eyes on the sign that read exit 6. I couldn't help but smile, almost there Zoe, you're about to make your dreams reality! Everything is finally going to work out! I got closer to the exit, right as I was two feet away I bumped into someone. "I- Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! But I gotta hurry!" I said, not looking at whoever I had hit. "Hey it's cool, you're good." The man replied in a soft tone, also chuckling a bit. "Okay cool, bye!" I announced as I opened the door, still not looking at the man. I smiled as the breeze hit me, "Hello New York!" I smiled. I then looked around for anyone that would stand out to me, I wish the email would've given me some sort of description on her! Or at least a way to contact her. I bit my lip looking around nervously, then I seen a girl standing in front of a black BMW with a sign that read, "Waiting for my roommate!" I giggled as I read the sign. I walked up to her, "Are you looking for your roommate?" I asked without thinking. Stupid! The girl laughed as she looked at her sign, "Yeah um I think it was kind of obvious." "Right! I'm so sorry, I'm just so nervous and I didn't realize what I said until it came out." I spoke with a cringing face. "Hey, you're good." She smiled. "Are you my roommate?" She asked. "Are you attending AMDA?" I questioned. "I am. So I assume by you knowing that information, you're my roommate." She smiled. "Um yeah, I guess so." I laughed. "Chloe." She stuck her left hand out. "Zoey." I shook her hand. "Wow, love how our names rhyme." She giggled. "I was just about to say the same thing." I laughed. "Well, hop in the car. Let's go to our dorm." She smiled as she walked to the driver seat. I smiled as I sat in the passenger seat.

Her and I chatted a bit, until she got a phone call. She put in her AirPods and talked on the phone. Me, not wanting to be nosy, I started zoning out. I thought about what happened back at the airport, I made a fool out of myself twice! First, I basically yell talking to myself, then I bump into some guy! Like wow, isn't New York just off to a great start for me? But that guy, his voice, it was so familiar. I couldn't get it out of my head, who did he sound like? Was it someone I met perhaps? I had no idea, I wish I would've looked up to see him! But I was just so anxious to find Chloe that I couldn't waste time on small talk. I remember his outfit though. He had on a Louis Vuitton pullover with some black jeans and white Air Force ones. He definitely had a sense of style, but I just couldn't understand why his voice was so familiar. It reminded me of someone, I just can't put my finger on who it could be.

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