Chapter 2

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Uncle Ben! He ignored his own blood for fucking money. The same Uncle Ben who helped me, who held me when I missed Em too much, the same one who stopped me from cutting, the same one who promised that he would help me find my sister......knew where she was the whole time. Knew!? No! He kept her there.

All for what? Money that Em was to get if she hadn't been taken. Money which he got in Em's absence. The feeling of betrayal set in my stomach emptying out any other feelings that I had leaving plenty of room for anger and the strong need for revenge.

He put Ember through all that. He beat her, kept her in a cell, chained. She has scars all over her body. HE BROKE HER. Now I'm going to break him.


He's supposed to be coming back tomorrow. And I have the perfect plan. I'm going to make him suffer. Just like he did to my sister. I'm going to make him feel the pain. I'm going to kill him slowly. Just like what he did with Em. She's practically dead inside. Except the traitor won't just be dead inside. He's going to actually be dead by the time I'm done with him.


Going to the police is not an option. It's not what he deserves. He deserves a lot worse.


I hear the engine rev as an Audi pulled into the driveway. A sense of thrill and excitement fueled with hurt and betrayal surged through me, as I jumped up from my bed, already having everything in place as I run down to the basement.

Yes, basement. I know, I know. Real Original.

Waiting in the basement for my him to come down here, like he always does, after coming from a business trip, my emotions raged. From malice, to nervousness, to vengeful and finally sheer hot anger. My heart pounded hard in my chest, but I know that what I'm currently going to do; He Deserves It. He deserves everything I'm about to do to him.

I honestly don't know why he comes down here. It's creepy here. Our basement wasn't one of those polished ones. It was just an old room, with brick walls, and a wooden floor. The only source of light was a small window in the wall. The light streamed in, allowing me to keep an eye on the stairway as I wait for him to come.

I hear heavy steps on the stairs, the wooden planks creaking in effort. My confidence grew with each step he took towards me. I've done this many times before. Let's just say I got in the wrong type of crowd when Em disappeared, so this should be fun. I vaguely see his figure, finally reach down. I slowly creep up to the door and shut it with a bang. He jumps.

"Wh- who's there?" his pathetic terrified squeak filled the dark atmosphere.

I smirk, this is it. "You know for someone who dared to kidnap a defenseless girl and abuse her for 5 years, you sure sound weak." My voice comes out calm yet mocking.

"Alessia? Honey what are you sayi-"

My dry laugh cut him off "Honey? Really? how long are you going to pretend to actually care about us, Ben"

"Alessia, what are you talking about?" his confused, gruff voice, echoed in the nearly empty room. I scoff, "Oh I think you know what I'm talking about. Or rather WHO I'm talking about."

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