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Love. What is love to me. Well to me love is like food, it has an expiration date. Love is something you cant have forever. Love is just another thing in life that you think you'll have forever but someday you wake up and realize you dont have it anymore. Love is imaginary, it doesn't exist, like unicorns or aliens. Anyone who is famous and in love breaks up, like look at Miley and Liam or Jen and Brad I could go on for hours talking about love but you probably dont want to hear that so instead ill tell you my story. I'm Betty, I live in Wisconsin and I model and act. I love to read, write books, write songs and sing. You might be curious as to why I dont believe in love, two reasons: my dad and Nathan. When I was four my dad left me, my sister and mom. Then when I was 12 he come back, my parents renewed their vows and were happy until my mom caught my dad cheating when I was 14. After I found out he was cheating one of my best friends, Nathan helped me get through some really tough times and we started dating. I was very in love with him and it didn't take us long to say I love your to each other because we've known each other since we were 4. We broke up after I overheard him telling his friend that one of the major reasons he was dating me was because I was getting famous in Wisconsin and he loved popularity which I gave him. I'm now 16 almost 17 and unlike everyone at my school, I'm not in love, and nor will I ever be.


Jughead, that's me. My dad is was an alcoholic, he now attends AA meetings. I'm in a gang called the serpents which most people think its a bad gang, or that we will hurt people. Which is false, well mostly, we are good people if you really get to know us and as for the hurting people part we wont unless you hurt one of us. We are like a big family. I'm excited because very soon I'm going to become serpent king and I'm going to ask my girlfriend Veronica to become serpent queen. I really like romantic movies and books but if you tell anyone I will deny it and tell you that you're crazy. To some people I look threatening but on the inside I'm not. I don't have many friends except my girlfriend Veronica who is very popular and gorgeous I might add. I'm also really good friends with Archie Andrews, Archie is actually the one who introduced me to Veronica and for him I'm very grateful.

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