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We finished the fries, payed and left. I told Jugehad that we could plan our "Perfect Plan" at my house. He agreed. After we arrived at my house we went up to my room and I sat down on the couch and he sat on the floor leaning up against my bed. I gave him a pencil and some paper. We started writing bullet points of details to add in our plan. After about 15 minutes of awkward silence I finally said something.
B- "So, do you want to share ideas now or do you need more time?"
J- "I think I'm ready"
We both read all of our bullet points to each other, made a few final changes and he handed my his list.
B- "What's this for?"
J- "Well I'd like you to make a good copy of our plan."
B- "Okay, I will do that right now but before I do do you want anything, like food or water?"
J- "I'm good thanks."
B- "Okay."
I was combing all the points together and writing a play by play then I noticed through the corner of my eye that Jughead was staring at me.
B- "Stop staring at me!"
J- "I wasn't!"
B- "You were actually, I saw you, now less staring more plotting!"
J- "Geez sorry!"
*5 minutes later*
I look up from my page titled "Our Perfect Little Plan, Written and plotted by Betty and Jughead" and saw Jughead staring at me again.
B- "You're doing it again" *giggles*

God, she's gorgeous and when she giggles my heart stops. But I cant do this. My girlfriend just cheated on me and now I'm plotting revenge with a complete stranger. How can I like her if I've only known her for a couple of hours?
B- "It's all planned out!"
J- "Well, read it!"
B- "Oh no wait that would never work. Wait one second" *giggles*
J- "Awww"
B- "What?"
J- "Oh... uhhh... nothing"
B- "Ok then.... just a couple more minutes and this plan will be perfect!"
Every time she giggles or laughs or smiles I have these butterfly's that I only remember having once before, when I first met Veronica, and only the first month when we started dating. But after that the butterfly's kinda went away. What if I never really loved Veronica like I thought I did. What if I convinced myself I loved her so that my dad would stop bugging me about not having a girlfriend. What if Veronica stayed with me only because everyone shipped us. How long has she been cheating on me. Did she ever really love me?
B- "Jughead? Jughead? Hello?"
I quickly snapped out of it
J- "Huh? Sorry."
B- "Well I've been calling your name for 3 minutes. You ok?"
J- "Uhh yeah. I was just thinking"
B- "Thinking bout what?"
She had the cutest smile on her face when she said that
J- "Just Veronica and the cheating stuff"
B- "liiiike?"
J- "Like how love is so stupid and how long has she been cheating on me and was it just with archie or was it with other people as well? I just have so many thoughts going through my head right now."
B- "Okay, well first just take a deep breath, and try to stay calm. It's okay, I promise. I went through something similar"
If Betty wasn't there with me how would I have stayed calm? Betty got up and went to the bathroom. When she came back she sat beside me on the floor.
J- "Hey, thanks for that."
B- "Of course, I mean what are friends for? Right?"
J- "Friends?"
B- "I mean if you don't want to that's fine."
J- "No, no, no, I want to"
B- "Well then if were gonna be friends I need to tell you something"
J- "Hold that thought"
I leaned in to kiss her, then i started thinking, since me and Veronica never officially broke up would kissing Betty count as cheating? Before I could think about Veronica more, Betty kisses me first. After we kissed we pulled away and smlied at each other and all the Veronica thoughts I had seconds ago were gone
J- "Sooooo..."
B- "Well, I think that if we both think that love is so stupid, why cant we have a little fun right?"
J- "Right! So what's the plan?"
B- "So, Veronica never told me the name of her boyfriend so I can say that I met a guy-"
J- "I'm the guy right?"
She nodded and giggled
J- "Ok just making sure, go on."
B- "And I'll be describing this handsome man with gorgeous dark hair and beautiful blue-green eyes and that I shared my fries with him-"
J- "Then she'll want a name and you say jughead"
B- "Exactly, then we let drama begin."
J- "It sounds perfect!"

J- "What were you gonna tell me before we... you know... kissed?"
B- "Uh, nothing. It's fine don't worry about it."
J- "Come on, please tell me, if were gonna be friends we should be able to trust each other, and I know we just met but I feel like I've known you longer then a few hours."
He's right I should tell him. Any movie that I've seen where the girl has a secret and hides that from her friend/love interest usually always causes a problem. So I decided to tell him.
B- "Well, umm, I- I'm an ac- actress"
J- "Wait, really?"
I nodded
J- "Why were you so afraid to tell me?"
B- "I don't know, I guess I was just scared."
J- "Scared"
B- "Well people in the past have used me, and I just dont want that to happen again."
J- "Hey, I would never use you and plus we hit it off before I knew that you were and actress, remember. So, what are you doing in Riverdale and how long will you be here?"
B- "First, thank you for what you said, it means a lot and second I'm here shooting a movie. And the movie is actually based on a book I wrote a year ago and I'm gonna be here a couple months."
J- "You're a writer?"
B- "Yeah"
J- "I am too."
I smiled.
B- "Veronica mentioned that."
I looked at my phone to see who had just texted me and saw it was Veronica, she had sent me the address.
J- "Well I should probably leave now, do you need a ride?"
B- "No, Veronica said she has a limo coming to pick me up, but thanks."
J- "I should leave before the driver gets here and sees my motorcycle."
B- "I'll walk you out."
We walked downstairs to the front door. We hugged and the I kissed him on the cheek.
J- "Bye."
B- "Bye."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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