Chapter 6 - Sasha

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All Sasha McDorman could hear was a steady high pitch ringing sound. It had been there since the first shot Nathan fired inside the Cadillac at the creature behind them. The shock of everything that just happened was starting to wear off, and pain was starting to set into her body. She tried to move, but found herself trapped on the floorboard under the front passenger seat that Nathan leaned all the way back a few seconds ago. She pushed on the seat, but it didn't budge so she turned her attention to the person trapped next to her.

"Cameron, are you ok?" she asked, her nurse's instincts starting to take over. Her own voice sounded like she was under water.

"Yeah, I'm ok," Cameron replied in a weak voice that Sasha barely heard. She did a quick examination of her daughter, and after she felt satisfied that she was in no immediate danger she turned her attention to those in the front of the SUV. She looked up and noticed a large rip in the back of the driver's seat, with a thin layer of blood around the edges of it.

"Patrick! Patrick, are you hurt?" Sasha yelled out. She heard a faint murmur in response.

"He's been stabbed," Nathan informed her in a calm voice as he pulled his seat back up to release her. "He's losing blood."

She pulled herself up to the seat, and found herself face to face with the creature lying dead in the back of the SUV that she had almost forgotten about. The sudden realization made her scream out briefly, but she quickly regained composure and got out of the vehicle.

Nathan was getting out as well as she rushed to the driver's side of the car. She yanked the door open hard, and immediately saw blood pooling on the right side of Patrick's shirt. She looked up at his face, which was now pale and sweaty. His eyes were barely open.

"Patrick," she yelled out at him. He turned his head and started trying to focus on her. "Patrick, I need to you to stay awake." He nodded at her and made an effort to open his eyes wider. Sasha removed his seatbelt and cautiously lifted up the bottom of his shirt. He wheezed in pain as she examined the wound. She saw that the creature's blade pierced through the far edge of his abdomen.

"You were stabbed in the right lower quadrant," Sasha said slowly, "but it looks like it may have missed your major organs. I'm going to wrap it up for now until I can get a better look at it."

Sasha moved quickly to the back of the SUV to retrieve their first aid kit. As she hurried towards it, she noticed that people were coming out of their houses to see what was going on.

"Everyone, go back inside," Nathan barked out to the onlookers. "You are in immediate danger. Lock your doors and stay hidden. If you have any guns, I suggest you prepare to..." His voice trailed off as he looked down the street from where they came. Sasha followed his gaze and saw one of the creatures in the distance moving towards them. It was moving awkwardly, and she realized it was one of the creatures Nathan shot in the leg. She looked over at Nathan.

"We need to go – now," he said to her. She noticed his lower arm was dripping with blood.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

"I'll be fine – it just grazed me. Patrick is in much worse condition. Let's get them out of here."

"Cameron, sit up front with your dad. Nathan, help me get Patrick in the back seat," Sasha said quickly as she reached in past the large carcass in the back to get to the first aid kit. Cameron got out of the back seat and moved to the front passenger side while Nathan assisted Sasha in getting Patrick to the back. Patrick yelled out in pain as he was lifted out of the driver's seat, and the white leather chair was left drenched in red. Once Patrick was secure, Sasha ran to the other side of the SUV, got in, and started tending to Patrick's wound. The Cadillac made a hideous grinding noise as they drove away, and Sasha looked back to see the creature still pursuing them shrink in the distance.

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