( Auditions )

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Kim's P.O.V
Today the day for our pageant auditions I've been of the edge of my seat all morning. But as the day went on, Alyson was being her hillbilly self. An mother well she just wanted to get this thing over with.

"Kim when is this supposed to end? I'm gettin antsy!" Mama said crossing her arms.
"Mom it will end soon. I look at my watch. It should end in about a minute or so. We're at the last two girls." I said shuffling my papers. Then we heard the door behind us open.
"Ohh finally." Alyson said clapping her hands.
"Hello." This little girl said in a shy little voice.
"Ahhh aren't you just the cutest thing." Mama said with a smile. The little girl laughed with rosie cheeks. She walked on stage an we all just fell in love with her.
"What your name an how old are you darlin?" I said.
"I am Lacey Cohan an I'm eight years old." Lacey said twisting her foot around in a circle. Alyson nudged me on the shoulder.
"What?" I whispered.
"That's Lauren Cohan and Scott Foley's daughter." She whisper with excitement. She could barley stay quiet. I dropped my jaw.
"What are you going to be doing for your talent today love?" My mother said bringing me down back to earth.
"I'm going to be singing one of original songs called 'I don't know my name'." Lacey said bringing the microphone up to her mouth. An put her ukulele around her. Than she started to strum.
"Oh perfect my dear. Perfect." Alyson said.

(This song is what Lacey sings)

This song brought a tear to everyones eye. She was the one we were looking for.
"Thank you sooo much my dear well done." I said standing up clapping soon Mom and Alyson did the same."
"Thank so much." Lacey said with a hand over her mouth.
"My dear you have got a special talent that I have never seen before ever." Alyson said whipping her tears.
"She is right. For sure. But before you go we have one more question to ask you." I said sitting down. Lacey came forward an sat down on the edge of the stage.
"Why should we have you at the pageant place?" I said putting my hands together.
"I think you should give me a chance because I have a message to share to the whole world that I want to give." Lacey said fiddling with her fingers.
"Well that is a fantastic answer honey. I would love to see you after the rest of the auditions so please stay." I said with a smile. I looked up at her and she had tears of joy running down her little face.
"Alright go tell you mom or your dad that we would like to see you after the rest of the auditions. Okay?" Mom said.
"Well if you don't mind I would like to stay for the next audition. She's my best friend an I don't think I could do this without her." Lacey said fiddling her fingers again. Alyson gave me the puppy eyes an mom did too.
"Of course my dear but sit in the back alright?" I said getting up an giving her a hug.
"Yes ma'am." She said going to the doors an opening them an as soon as she did her friend hugged her so tight. They had the same hair color which was brown wavy hair with light brown streaks.
Then the other girl walked up to the stage an then we saw who she was. Our jaws all dropped to the ground.
"There's two of them!" Alyson slapped her hands on the table. I put my hands through my hair. My mama had her eyes open so big I thought they were going to pop out of her head.
"Hello." She said in the same quiet shy little voice like Lacey.
"Sooo, we know your a twin of Lacey correct?" I said with laugh.
"Yes ma'am." She said in a little laugh.
"What's your name honey?" Mom said with a hand on her cheek.
"My name is Lexie and I'm eight years young. I'm from Los Angeles, California but now I live in Georgia." Lexie said with a smile on her little face.
"What talent are you going to do for us today ms Lexie?" Alyson said excitedly.
"I'm going to be playing coral of the bells on the violin."

(This is the song that Lexie plays)

I immediately stood up for Lexie. She was the most talented kid that I've seen play the violin. She even put some moves in the mix with that. And especially for and eight year old.
"Oh Lexie your amazing. Like I'm speechless with your performance. You an your sister have something special that will get you both far in life and in the pageant community. But I have to ask you something well and your sister. I waved back Lacey to come up on the stage. She ran her little self up to her sister.
What made you want to be in the pageant community at such a young age?" I said folding my hands.
"Well we both wanted to do it because we saw all the pretty dresses." Lexie said.
"But it's not just that. It's about being who we are and we want to share it with everyone." Lacey said.
"That we want to encourage ever girl to be who you are and share what you have with the world." Lexie said grabbing Laceys hand.
"Well I don't know about you Kim but I think we've found the most talented girls that I have ever seen." Alyson said.
"I think so too." Mom said putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Look I love my pageant pros but you girls are something special. So if you girls don't mind would you kindly go get your mom or dad or who ever brought you here I would like to talk to them.
"Alright." They both said an hopes of the stage with smiling faces.
"Today ladies I think we just made there day. I really think we did." I said hugging my mother and sister. It made me think how lucky I am to have them on our team and hopefully they'll teach my pageant pros a lesson or two. A minute or two had pasted an then we finally heard the doors behind us open. We saw a handsome man coming towards us. It was no other then the handsome talented Scott Foley.
"Well hello there." Alyson yelled.
"ALYSON PLEASE!" Mom said and hit Alyson on the shoulder with her pen.
"It's alright. I get it." Scott said standing next to our desk. Alyson was literally drilling off the table. I rolled my eyes.
"You'll have to excuse her she's out of it." I said as Lacey and Lexie laughed.
"Sorry that the auditions took so long today. I'm sorry if we messed up your schedule at all today." I apologized.
"It's alright I would do anything for my girls." He said hugging the girls by his side.
"I just wanted to say that your girls have a special talent an gift that they could both do so well at the pageant place and in the world in general. There one of the most talented people I have ever seen. An beautiful not going to lie." I said with a wink. The girls were blushing so hard. He looked at the girls and they knew what to say.
"Thank so very much Ms. Kim." They said an I threw my head back with a laugh of cuteness and excitement.
"So what else do we need to do?" He said.
"Well we need them and there mother if possible or you to be here tomorrow to get started an first we'll get there dressed so we would like to know there dress size and shoes size." Mom said handing Scott some paper work.
"Alright there mom should be here because you girls know I don't like girly stuff." Scott said winking at Lacey and Lexie.
"Oh my goodness we get to meet Lauren too oh lord I I I." Alyson said.
"Alyson focus. Please." Mom said shaking her head.
"Welcome to the pageant place see you girls tomorrow." I said with a smile and a hand shake to Scott as they left I knew we just found the next Ms. Georgia or even the next Ms. USA

. Hope you all like this new story because I can't wait to write more 🤩

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