( The Pageant Pros an Danger )

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Lauren's P.O.V

The girls and I walked in to this magnificent place. It was definitely a pageant place. Then a women walked up to the girls. She had white blond pixie cut hair. With a blue dress on.
"Hello you must be Lacey an Lexie's mother. Nice to meet you. I'm Kim the head director here. You girls are going to absolutely love it here." Kim said with a smile.
"Hello I'm Lauren Cohan. Nice to meet you. And the girls are really excited to be here. And oh I have this for you." I said hand here is the paper work she needed from us.
"Alright right this way my pageant pros are ecstatic to see you two. And the moms can wait to see you too Mrs. Cohan." Kim said leading us to a room were we could hear talking. She opened up the door and we walked in. As we walked in the older girls started to scream an then they jumped on Lacey and Lexie for a huge hug.
An the moms had there mouths open to the ground.
"Everyone this is Lacey, Lexie, and..." Kim said the a one of the moms got up and said my name.
"Oh my goodness your Lauren Cohan you play Frankie Trowbridge the CIA on Whiskey Cavalier and Maggie Rhee on the walking dead. Sorry I'm a huge fan. An your the most beautiful family I've ever seen. You're the model family!" She screamed.
"So this is Deb Hanha's mom, Angie Myara's mom, and Tania Addison's mother." Kim said introducing me to the moms.
"Oh hello Lacey and Lexie nice to see you again." A woman said to the girls she had red straight short hair.
"Alyson, Mom this is there mother Lauren Cohan." Kim said introducing me to them.
"Hello hun I'm Ms. Jo. Kim's mother. The older women said to me.
"Hi an I'm Alyson. I'm a really big fan. I love your work and style." Alyson said blushing an shaking my hand. I should have let Scott come here instead.
"Alright everyone sit down in your seats." Kim yelled. We sat down next to Addison an her mother Tania. They were one of the nice people.
"Today we're going to show you what true talent is." Alyson said.
"So Lacey an Lexie come up to the small stage." Mrs. Jo told them to do.
"An girls I think you could learn a thing or two from them." Kim pointed to them then to Lacey and Lexie. First up was Lexie. She was thinking what song she was going to play.
"I'm going to play night vision by Lindsey Stirling, but I'm going to have to have Lacey come up here with me for some notes to sing in the background." Lexie said pulling out her violin from her bag. An having Lacey get out her microphone.

The song that Lacey and Lexie played.

I stood up an clapped for my daughter's as the rest follow my actions. But all but one. Angie. Myara's mother. She was sitting down with her arms crossed. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Tania.
"Your girls are amazing Lauren. How long have they been playing an singing?" Tania asked.
"Well they've been playing and singing for most of there lives." I answered back. She smiled.
"That's really impressive." Addison said with a smile. Kim, Alyson, and Ms Jo walked out of the room.
"Really Myara can do so much better than that. I mean how hard can it be." She said starting to get up an go over to my girls. I initially ran over to them.
"Get out of my way woman. Just because your special doesn't make your family perfect." Angie said getting in my face.
"Mama stop please." Myara shouted.
"No Myara sit down an stay there. I'm going to show you want real talent is." Angie yelled an tried to grab Lexie's violin from her hands.
"Get away from my daughters!" I yelled back.
"MOVE OUT OF MY WAY PIP SQUEAK!" Angie yelled grabbing my side and shoved me over into the tables. I ended up hitting my waste into one of the plastic table corners.
"MAMA!" Lexie and Lacey screamed then started crying. Then I saw Deb, an Tania go in front of Angie. Mayra was crying in a corner. Hanha went to go get Kim and the others. As Addison came to my side.
"Mrs. Cohan are you ok?" Addison said putting a hand on my shoulder. I wasn't ok my daughters were in danger an I could get to them. I glanced over at my daughters an Angie grabbed Lexie's violin and broke it in half.
"Kim should be teaching Myra instead of letting little twerps like you two." Angie said then through Lexie's violin to the ground. Then Kim and the other women came in.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE!!!" Kim yelled make everyone jump. Lexie an Lacey got away an ran over to me.
"Mama are you ok?!" The girls cried.
"Yes I'm ok." I said.
"What about little brother?!" Lexie cried. Then everyone started to stare at me.
"I'm not sure Lex." I said. Kim told Alyson to call 911 an then Ms. Jo called Myara's dad. Addison, Hanha, an Myara took Lexie and Lacey to the other room. Kim was screaming at Angie in her office. And Tania an Deb helped me up. I got up an sat in one of the chairs.
"Are you alright?" Deb asked.
"I'll be fine hopefully." I said taking a deep breath.
"How far along are you?" Tania asked.
"I'm about 5 months." I said holding my back. Then Kim came in.
"I'm so sorry Lauren. I totally understand if you do not want the girls here. I've taken care of Angie she is no longer welcome here." Kim apocalypses.
"I won't leave but I would like to leave early we'll come back tomorrow." I said standing up an then I called Lacey and Lexie back in here to get there stuff.
"Are you ok Mama?" Lacey said tugging on my blouse. I reached a hand on top of her head as she clung tightly hold my hand. Then Lexie took the other. I understand that Kim felt terrible but, if anything is wrong with my unborn baby boy I'm sewing Angie big time.

Is Lauren going to sew Angie? Is the baby alright? Will Lacey an Lexie ever come back? Will this be the last pageant for Marya? Continue reading to find out. 🤗

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