1. Embit

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ID number-001


Species-Rabbit Loomian

Gender-75% Male/25% Female

Descriprion-Ah the Adorable Embit,this Loomian is one of the seven Loomians that are offered to New trainers and for a very good reason,They are very Loyal and trusting Loomians,They will stay by your side and will always do its best to make you proud,

They are very popular in the colder regions of Roria,They regulate their body heat so that their trainers will stay warm in the harsh climates,they also like being held so its a win win situation for both,The trainer will stay warm and the Embit will enjoy being held by their loving trainer,

Embits in the wild are said to be protected by their Searknight parents,who watches over them,the young Embits would run around and release weak singes,to which the Parents will keep an close eye on so that they won't start a large fire,after they Evolve into Rabburn is when they leave the nest,ready to go move on its own,

Personality-Embits are Energetic and Playful,They love to be out of their capture disk and run along side their trainers,this is because if an Embit doesn't get the excercise it needs,It will feel trapped and uneasy so its best to let it out once and a while,

They also like to show their strenght to their trainers by battling other Loomians,Even with the type disadvantage they will fight to make their trainers proud and happy,so if Embit starts constantly losing battles,It will start to develop a lack of self-esteem or they feel like their letting their trainers down,So its best to talk to them about it and let them know that it did its best and thats what matters,This will help Embit be more proud of its self and keep a strong string of faith between you,

Lifespan-Embit live for only about 20 years,not bad for an unevolved Loomian,a very well taken care Embit may last for another 10 years,

Diets-Berries and Fruits are a staple for Embit,as they use the sugar in the fruits to make their fire type attacks even stronger,they will also help it run fast,they can eat normal human food and are content with it,It will eat grass if theres no alternative but they won't really enjoy it,

How to bond:Now when you first get Embit,It will Immediently trust you and leap happily into your arms,Embit see Humans as Kindred Souls,You must not betray this faith,as it will scar them and warp their minds into thinking that they were lied to and humans are bad creatures,simply spending a good time walking and running with Embit is a good way to bond with,praising them when they will a battle will make them feel more stronger and will be proud of themselves,

Battling-Now like stated,Embits will battle for their trainers,So they will be willing to battle other Loomians,Now Embit's speed is decent,but you might want to watch out trainers that have Dripple,As they might be able to take Embit out without breaking a sweat,So its best that you catch a plant type before making poor Embit battle a water type,However,Air types are your biggest concern,they are common and have high speed so you need other Loomians such as Twilat or Geklow to combat them,

Embits have the highest melee defence of all the beginner loomians,So they can tank a lot of Physical moves then do more damage if trained properly,

Embit start off with Pounce,Growl and Singe,Pretty basic moves,however,After a few battles,Embit should learn Burrow,a move that buffs their high melee defence even more,So it will certainly give trainers with grass types to be worried for,soon it should learn ear slap,While not the most powerful move,It hits multiple times so it could be useful in certain situations,

With Fellow Loomians-Embit will welcome other Loomians in the team with open arms,Younger and Energetic Loomians will get along quick with Embit as they play with it,Embit will know how to act around much more Serious Loomians and treats them with respect tus,Making Embit a great teammate,tho it will be weary of spirit and dark types,

Warnings-None at all,Embit will stay by your side and will battle its best for you,they are the most loyal Loomians,just make sure to take it out for excercise,

Summary-Embits are very loyal and caring Loomians that will stay by your side,They will take on any Loomians just to make you proud,which is why they make the perfect candidate for a beginner Loomian,


Ok can I just say this,I freakin love Embit and it evolution line,My Embit helped me win the first battle theatre on its own,I did switch out my twittle one time to heal him up but he helped me win a bunch of battles,Anyway thats all for today!

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