4. Dripple

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ID Number-004


Species-Pond Dweller Loomian

Gender-75% Male/25% Female

Description-Oh Dripple,This little oddball is one of the seven Beginner Loomians,being the water type beginner,they are very,very different from the other Beginner Loomians,

While the other Beginner Loomians need some sort of attention to be content with their trainers,Dripple well while it does appriciates the companionship of its trainer when given the chance,it is content doing nothing but blowing bubbles from its mouth,

But that doesn't mean you could just simply ignore Dripple no no no! It just mean that they are more laid back than most of the beginners,

They are very curious about you and will be willing to befriend you easily,although it may be frightened of you if you appear to be a cold or mean person,First Expressions are everything y'know,

Personality-Like stated,Dripples are way more laid-back,they can be mostly seen just relaxing with their trainers,blowing bubbles from theit mouth and just generally just do their own thing,like their species name,They mostly hang around ponds,eating on the smaller bug Loomians there,

While it does seem like they aren't interested in battling,They do enjoy a little bit of battling here and there,But they do need to relax every once and a while,too much battling can stress dripple too much,so much so they will run away from their trainers if they are force to battle with no breaks,this can be dangerous if you are in the wild alone,so make sure to take Dripple to a break every once and a while,

They are relatively calm and will respect you as a trainer if you have proven that you will take good care of it,however they are not dumb,if they will know that they are getting deceived and will not trust you until it forgives you,A Dripple that is unable to trust its trainer will not be able to evolve,

Lifespan-A healthy and well cared Dripple can live for up to 30 years or even more! That gives it plenty of time to evolve and make a close bond with its trainer,

Diet-Dripple loves to snack on bug types like Cathorn and Burrouch,but they will know when to run away from bigger,stronger bug types like Cynamoth and Florant,they will eat algae if theres nothing to eat but they won't enjoy them,they are alright with human food but dislike bitter and sour ones,

How to bond-Dripples are simple creatures,They are much more laid back than the other beginners,So take care of it like a child,feed,train it,And give it a chance to relax ones and a while,Dripple are content with just sitting down but they will apprecient it when you give it the chance to go swim in a pond,

Battling-While Dripples do like battling,They don't enjoy it as much starters and will only battle when they feel like it so a little encouragement is needed,Dripple have more health than other beginners so they can potentionally tank a bit of hits but not as much as a Embit,

Speaking of Embit,Fire types are no match agaisnt Dripple,along with ground types,However,Grass types are very common in most routes and they can either outspeed or tank a hit from Dripple then fire back,So its best to have other Loomians to battle those grass types,

Dripple usually start with strike,dawdle and spray,Pretty basic moves for a water type,however after a few battles its should learn Mind's eye,that will boost your range attacks,soon it should learn swipe,A bit more powerful than strike,

With other Loomians-Dripple will usually be alright with other Loomians in your team,Other Loomians however may see dripple a bit strange due to how dripple is content with just staring at bubbles,So just tell your other Loomians that Dripple is just more laid back than they are,

Warnings-None! None at all,

Summary-Dripple may be an odd one of the bunch,But that doesn't make them less facisnating than the other starters,As Dripple will soon suprise you with its Evolutions,


Phew,Finally manage to finish Dripple,This is reallt harder than I thought,anyway,See ya'll!!

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