first weeks (7)

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So year 7 is a relatively important year. It's the year you make your first friends and first impressions.

You don't want to get on the wrong side of some people/teachers so here we are.

For the first weeks of year 7, I wore knee length skirts and the correct uniform basically.

After a few weeks, I discovered that rolling up your skirt exists.

After more weeks, I discovered black trainers.


What to wear on your first day.

-don't roll your skirt up too high in the first day. (You may think you blend in but the older years will make fun of you)

-don't have your skirt bellow the knee (again, the older years will make fun of you) (and possibly the other girls in your year)

-Have your skirt at about an inch above your knee for the first three weeks or so, that way people won't call you slutty or a nun.

-don't have a MASSIVE bag. It looks dumb.

- don't have a handbag. It also looks dumb when you're in year 7.

- the best bags to have are smallish bags that are big enough for your books but doesn't make you look like a turtle (I will put suggestions in a later chapter)

- DONT WEAR YOUR HAIR IN A MIDDLE PONYTAIL. Trust me on this one, it. Looks. Dumb.

- high ponytails only look good if your hair is long enough. Only wear this if you can pull it off.

- my signature hairstyle in year 7 was a low pony with some strands of hair framing my face. (It's a lil' basic but trustworthy)

-don't wear your hair down if it's windy, rainy, on pe days or when you're wearing lip gloss.

-do your tie properly. On the first day, at least. Later on it won't look as strange if it's shorter and you won't get a kit mark.

-Wear black trainers. Don't wear the shoes we all wore in year 6 with buckles or the ones that looked like jazz shoes. I started off wearing flat sole puma trainers and then progressed to just a normal back trainer (wasn't branded)


-ok imma be honest, I only began to wear makeup at school during the final months or when I looked particularly bleurgh.

-don't wear contour unless you know how to do it. You'll look like a chav if you do it wrong.

-wear the RIGHT shade of foundation please.

- do NOT wear eyeshadow at. All.

-if you put on blush, don't over do it pls. You'll end up looking like peppa pig.

-highlighter, *sigh* looks good but can go wrong. If it is a cold day, don't wear it. Your cheeks will be flushed on your walk to school or walking to classes. And, unless your highlighter is blended in, there will be definite lines and it will show it off a lot.

-concealer *sigh* can't go wrong with that. Get the right shade (normally one or two shades lighter than your foundation or natural skin tone) and blend. It. In. Properly. Amen, you're done.

-mascara *deeper sigh* WATERPROOF. MAKE. SURE. IT. IS. WATERPROOF. you don't want to be having a bad day and make it worse by having black tearstains down your cheeks do you?  I used to just curl them.


-the usual PE kits for schools are: skort (the shorts with the skirt covering them), collared shirt (the material of a football shirt), white trainers (they mean white soled), white ankle socks (they don't normally mind), rugby socks.

-SO, we don't want to be getting kit marks on the first day, do we? No. Wear ankle socks for indoor pe. Wear rugby socks for outdoor pe. I got I kit mark for wearing Rigby socks inside, once. DONT. DO. THAT.

- when you're getting changed back out of your kit, roll your skirt down when leaving (you can roll it back up later). Sometimes the teachers decide to check how high your skirt is (MS PANAYI BISH)

- shave. Your. Legs. Look, I'm it's awkward but it had to be said. You only really need to do this if the hair is visible. There had been many a dilemma in pe when my friend realised she hadn't shaved so she got a kit mark because she ended up wearing her rugby socks.

- enjoy it! Join extra-curricular sports. It will get you on good terms with the pe teachers and may possibly get you a higher grade. I joined netball, hockey and did football on occasion in year 7. (I still do them)

- if you are on your period for pe don't tell the teacher unless it is particularly bad and you need painkillers. Just try to do the bare minimum and keep a spray in your bag in case you smell.


Hope this helped for the first few weeks. Ik year 7s shouldn't be on wattpad but imma just try and help.

Vote and check out my story on @irememberedachmed  (my main)

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