friends (7)

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Friends, you won't find many genuine ones straight away.

Be kind and try to be nice to everyone- that's the best way to make friends. Try and make lOads of friends in year 7- that way people will leave, stay, whatever, and you will still have someone.

There's all this shit about "being yourself" and "don't think about others opinions"


You shouldn't lie to people about who you are- nor should you change yourself for the benefit of others. But outwardly being yourself doesn't always work.

People can be nasty and judge you, even turn people against you. Say you make friends with the wrong person, you be yourself around them, they don't like that so they stop being your friend, they make new friends, they tell their new friends about how "weird" or "strange" you are. (not saying that you are)  and their friends end up not liking you and or possibly bullying you.

Other people's opinions are wAy more important than you think. You shouldn't let people tell you what to do, but fitting in is sometimes the best answer.

(Don't @ me)

Weird person to weird person... Only be weird with people you know accept you and like your personality.

The popular girls of your year (they exist) WILL judge you. Ik you don't want to hear that but they will.

It's not really lying about who you are, it's burying it until you find the right people to dig it up with.

This sound harsh but welcome to British secondary school

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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