Ignoring and avoiding [NORDEN]

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TW: Slight angst??? Slight Mention of panic attacks. Slightly ooc

Lukas looked at his phone. He was sitting on a bus, on his way home from Oslo, and listening to a playlist of songs he'd downloaded a couple of weeks ago.

He knew what he was doing was probably wrong.
Yesterday, he and Mathias had gotten into a... fight, of sorts.

What started as a joke from Mathias, had triggered a small panic attack for Lukas, and the norwegian had pretty much lashed out at the dane.

Deciding he needed some time to calm down, Lukas had blocked the dane and avoided his phone for most of the evening before going to sleep.

Now, sitting on this half-empty bus, Lukas realised he probably shouldn't have done what he did. It was definitely unfair for the dane, not even getting a small explanation from the norseman to why he had lashed out.

He was about to text Mathias a 'hei,' before pausing. His finger hovered over the 'send' button, as the norwegian weighed his options and consequences.

As much as he didn't want to admit  it, he missed the conversations with the dane. He even slightly missed the small innocent flirting from Mathias now and then, which usually ended in Lukas not knowing what to say.

But, despite missing the dane, Lukas turned off his phone without sending the text and looked out the window instead. It wasn't too often he had time to himself anymore, as he'd recently gained a lot of online friends who he was texting with. He had to admit, it felt nice to have a break from people again.


When finally getting home, it was already beginning to get late.
Lukas made his way into his kitchen, seeing as the sunset coloured the skies a warm pink and orange. 'It's pretty,' he thought to himself, before turning on the coffee machine to make himself a cup of coffee.

While waiting for the coffee machine to do it's thing, Lukas went on his phone again. He sent a couple of texts in a groupchat that both he, and Mathias, and a couple of other people were in.

He noticed Mathias was online, and once again considered sending the dane a text, before yet again deciding against it. 'Maybe later,' he thought.

He finished his coffee quickly, and wondered what Mathias would say if he was here.
He would definitely be telling Lukas that it wasn't smart to drink coffee so late, and Lukas would be ignoring his advice and then later stay awake until 2 AM, at least.

He missed those conversations, as well.

The norseman sighed, and put his phone down on the kitchen counter.

"I'll go take a bath, and then I'll text him afterwards," Lukas told himself with a sigh, before leaving his phone alone in the kitchen, not to be picked up for the nearest several hours.


Aight, so this is just Lukas' perspective of the story.
You can go check out aphbritishtea  hetalia oneshot-book, for Denmark's perspective of this story.

This was kind of rushed, and I was kind of running on very little inspiration oof

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