May I have this dance? (FINSU)

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First off, I kNow I've got requests to write, but school just started and I've been working like crazy to get the first chapter of Fish and Stew out before September like I promised, so please accept this random oneshot that I decided to write :,D

I also want to say that to those who for some reason may not know, gay couples and LGBTQA+ in general was not very accepted in the 20-30's, in which this oneshot is set in. I did, however, decide to not include that too much in this story (Although the history of LGBTQA+ is very important, and I'm very proud of how far society has come with supporting it!) What I'm trying to say, this oneshot isn't 100% historically accurate! Sorry!

aNd, this is a bit ooc, sorry for that y'all

ALSO, this is written on my computer, so it might be a bit of a different format! Apologies hehe



The catchy jazz music filled the Finn's ears, as he sat on a bar stool watching all the couples in the pub dance and twirl around. Downing a shot of Vodka, he couldn't help but feel a sting of jealousy.

Of course, he could go over to some of the ladies sitting around and ask them for a dance, like most of the men here would do.

But no, that wouldn't work. You see, Tino had no interest in women. Not at all.

Although current society definitely would not approve, Tino's interests was rather in men.

And at this specific night, the Finn had shared a few many glances across the room, with a tall man in glasses, with blonde hair nicely curling at the edges and a beautiful pair of cyan eyes.

They had been going on with their glances and looks for maybe an hour or two, and as yet another song filled the walls of the pub, Tino stood up and made his way over to the other man.

"Good evening," he said, taking a seat beside the other. "How are you?"

The other man looked down at Tino, eyebrows slightly furrowed. "'m good," He answered. "Yer very pretty."

A chuckle left the Finn's lips. "I'm flattered," He smiled, before standing up and holding out his hand as yet another new song, this one slower than the other songs but still catchy, started playing. "May I have this dance?" He asked.

The other man took Tino's hand carefully, before standing up as well and nodding.

"Not a man of many words?" Tino asked, as they made their way onto the dance floor, a few glances being sent their way which the Finn ignored.

"'s that bad?" The man asked, as the two started on their swinging and dancing.

Tino shook his head, the smile not leaving his lips. "Not at all," He assured the man.

The dance went on, the two occasionally exchanging a few words and conversations.

"What's your name?" Tino asked, their feet moving across the floor like they'd danced a million times before.

"Berwald," The man said. "I'm from Sweden."

"Berwald," Tino repeated, the name rolling off his tongue. "Tell me, Berwald, why don't you have a wife? Surely anyone would want a man like you."

"No interest in women," The swede replied, before looking Tino in the eyes. "What about you, what's your name?" He asked.

"Tino, I'm from Finland."

"Finland.. that's a part of the Nordic region."

"So is Sweden," Tino nodded.

And their conversation kept on going, until late at night when the two men parted outside the pub with a slow goodbye and a promise to meet each other again someday.


I need to learn to write endings soon--

Honestly I am really not proud of this, it's ooc and I just don't like it oof

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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