Hands | TaeGi

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Taehyung looked over at his fellow band member. Taehyung was sitting in the boy's studio watching him play piano. Taehyung couldn't keep his eyes off of the boys hands.

It's not the first time Kim Taehyung has stared at the boy's hands. He took every opportunity he could take to look at them. Luckily, the boy had a habit of holding his hand. It made Taehyung so happy, it was hard to contain sometimes.

Taehyung watched as the boys large, pale, veiny hands gently and skillfully glided over the keys of the piano. Taehyung tried to focus on the music, because he knew the boy would ask him questions about it afterwards. His gaze shifted to the boy's face for a moment.

Taehyung was honestly shocked when the boy had asked Taehyung to join him in his studio. He never really spent too much time alone with the elder. He was too scared, he wasn't sure how to talk to him.

He was so quiet and serious all the time, he kept to himself, only really speaking when spoken to or when he spoke out about politics and social issues. When they were all joking around with each other, he wouldn't say much. He'd just sit and watch.

Taehyung smiled to himself as he looked back down at his hands. He figured they were cold, he tried to imagine what it would feel like to have the boy's cold hands roam over his body.

He watched as the hands pressed a couple more keys until the rested on the boy's lap. "Taehyung-ah?"

Taehyung blushed and looked up. "Hmm?" The boy sighed and turned to face Taehyung. "Were you paying any attention?" Taehyung sighed. "No... I'm sorry hyung."

The boy sighed and tilted his head a bit. "What has you so distracted? Is it the comeback? Did Jungkookie prank you again and you're trying to think of ways to get him back?" Taehyung shook his head as he looked down at the ground.

"Ah, did you prank him and are now scared-" "Hyung, no. I'm... I just... I'm confused about some stuff is all. I'm sorry."

The boy fully turned around and took the younger's hands in his own. Taehyung turned red and looked at their hands.

"Taehyungie... you know if anything is ever bothering you, or you need help figuring something out, you can always come to me."

Taehyung bit his bottom lip before he sat up and looked at his hyung. He nodded and gave him his boxy smile. The boy chuckled and returned Taehyung's smile with a gummy one.

"Thank you, hyung! I'll come to you when I'm ready." The older boy nodded and sighed. "I suppose I can get Namjoon to listen to this song."

Taehyung pouted. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you hyung... I'll go now and get Namjoon-hyung for you." Taehyung got up and shuffled over to the door with slumped shoulders. He left and walked around the company building in search for Namjoon.

He noticed the light on for Hoseok's studio and knocked on the door. Hoseok opened it. "Have you seen Namjoon-hyung?"

Hoseok thought for a moment. "I think he's with Jimin working on some dance moves." Taehyung nodded and thanked Hoseok before walking back to his hyung's studio.

Taehyung knocked on the door before opening it a bit. "Hyung?" Taehyung opened the door and walked in.

His hyung was nowhere to be seen. Taehyung bit his bottom lip as he shut the door and sat down in his hyung's chair.

Taehyung pressed a couple keys before looking around. He smiled a bit as his eyes landed on the keyboard. He imagined the older boy's hands on the keyboard.

Taehyung closed his eyes and began to lightly palm himself through his jeans. He bit his lip and pressed down harder to get more stimulation. He groaned. Palming himself wasn't doing it for him. He sighed and stood up. He unbuttoned his jeans.

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