Tenko x Star tear!Angie- Sunset twinkles

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Angie always loved her best friends dearly. Tenko Chabashira the aikido master and Himiko Yumeno, a wonderful magician. But, she loved Tenko more than a friend. Sadly, Tenko only had eyes for Himiko and Himiko only. 

Angie kept it a secret while also trying to get closer to Tenko. She would always go and talk to Himiko when Tenko and her were chatting. After some time, Tenko got a little upset and yelled at Angie. She said she was always butting into their conversations and that she was trying to take Himiko away from her. Angie heard a twinkle and quickly left to go to an empty classroom.

'nonono! Not again!'

She cried harder when she acknowledged the truth. She'll never be loved back.  She breathed heavily and listened to the twinkle of her tears and watched as they hit the red, orange and yellow floor.

'oh, the sunset. It's so beautiful with all of it's magnificent colors and hues. I wonder how long i'll be able to see this happen.'

Months have passed and Angie has distanced herself from Himiko and Tenko. Angie tried hard not to cry everyday. Some days, she'll pass by Himiko and Tenko chatting and laughing. 

'She is happy! You should be as well!' Angie would think in her mind.

She was never able to stop the tears that came though. One day was talking to Himiko when Tenko came and asked to "borrow Himiko for a sec".  Angie let her and followed the two girls up to the roof secretly. Angie hid behind the entrance to the roof and gazed at Tenko and how the colors of the sunset made her even more beautiful. She looked at her eyes and saw the sun setting in them and wished she could stare into them all day.


Angie snapped back to what was going on when she heard Tenko shout. She prayed and prayed that Himiko didn't feel the same but, to Angie's pitiful misfortune, Himiko felt the same way as Tenko.

"no..." Angie barely whispered. 

Tears trickled down from blue ocean eyes onto her tan face. She heard the twinkling of her tears and looked up at the sky. The reds, yellows and oranges were becoming duller by the second. She looked at Tenko and how heavenly she looked. Her eyes were closed but she can faintly remember the dull-ish green they were and how shiny they are. Angie's eyes scan down to her lips and how they were on Himiko's. She ached to be the one kissing them and she closed her eyes and opened them, hearing the twinkling disappear. She only saw the black,white and gray that they sky turned into. She looked at Tenko and saw that she was also black,white and gray. She thought on how much she'll miss staring into Tenko's dull green eyes from afar and how her cheeks went red after so much practicing her aikido.  

She'll never see the dull-green, blue, red, orange,yellow and color of happiness and love again.

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