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After that little incident in school I stayed home the next day, deciding that I didn't want to get pummeled two days in a row. I had gotten up and was making a bowl of cereal when the doorbell rang. I quietly sat the milk down and looked through the peephole. Peering out I saw Ben, Lee, Charlie, and Jimmy all standing there looking impatient. I noticed Ben holding something in his hand before he rang again. I jumped and sped upstairs to put on my binder and make myself look a little more presentable. After deciding on a My Chemical Romance t-shirt and some black sweatpants I went to the door and opened it. The guys smiled and I invited them in. I turned as they sat down and made themselves comfortable on my couch. I sighed and shut the door, locking it and walking back to the kitchen to get my cereal. When I reentered, I looked towards Jimmy.

"So why are you guys at my house? How did you even know where it was?" He smiled and replied sympathetically.

"I heard about what happened and I suggested we come see you. And we just asked the nurse if she could find out. She's cool. We brought some candy, too." He reached into Ben's hand and snatched the candy from him before handing it to me. I noticed they were darkside Skittles, my favorite. I ate my cereal and then devoured the Skittles. I hadn't had them in a while.

"So what do you guys wanna do? I mean, my house is kind of boring and I'm too banged up to go anywhere." I looked between them all and sighed, turning on the t.v. to the movies channel and found Paranormal Activity was on. I wasn't big on ghost and paranormal movies like this but it was all that was on, so why not. I squeezed onto the couch between Jimmy and Lee as they made room for me. Although the guys looked scary, it seemed a bit of Paranormal Activity got them going.

We were all huddled on the couch as we watched the apparently scary movie. At some point I had gotten up and grabbed a blanket and made popcorn. We all munched it as we stared at the screen, waiting for something to happen. When something did in fact happen we all jumped, aside from Lee who still had his tough act on. When I jumped he slowly put his hand on my knee under the blanket. I didn't even know what to think, much less what to do. Should I move his hand? Should I leave it? Should I make up a lame excuse to go to the bathroom? Questions swam through my head as yet another 'ghost' popped out of no where and tormented the poor woman on the movie. Again we all jumped and this time Jimmy lightly brushed his knee against mine. I mean sure it was an accident but wow. I'm so fanguying right now.

When the movie ended we all got up and stretched. I told them I'd be back and I went upstairs to the bathroom. I splashed water on my face and check my reflection. What had Lee's actions meant? Is that what friends did when other friends were scared? I don't even know how to react to guys showing any affection towards me. My mind was muddled as I tidied up and went back downstairs to join the guys back on the couch. After debating what we should do next, I offered we play a video game. I had a few they might enjoy so I plugged up my Xbox and turned on COD which I sucked at. Oh well. I only had two controllers so we switched off every time someone died. I was playing with Jimmy and I was just about to literally stab him in the back when he turned around and shanked me before I got to him. I groaned and threw my hands in the air. I fell to the ground and was covered by all four boys climbed on top of me in a dog pile. I groaned and coughed a little. I really needed a new binder. By the time we had finished a couple more games, my mom walked in the front door with my sister. She looked around a little bewildered and introduced herself.

"Well hello. I'm Stacy, Jake's mother. And you all are?" The guys introduced themselves and my mother, being the polite woman she is, invited them to dinner. Which they quickly accepted. As this went on my sister stared at Ben, eyeing him up and down. I rolled my eyes and she stuck her tongue out at me. While my mother made spaghetti I led the guys up to my room. My room was pretty simple. I had navy blue walls and a navy blue duvet to match with white sheets. A few posters here and there and some clothes strewn about. I rushed to pick them up and threw them in my hamper. They all made themselves comfortable, Jimmy and Ben on the bed while Charlie and Lee sat on the floor against the bed. I sat down in front of them all and we chatted about normal mostly. Until Lee Charlie piped up.

"Hey Jack." I hummed a response and he went on.

"Why was that guy, Konnor or whatever, even beating you up?" I sighed as he finished, asking exactly what I wanted to avoid tonight. Forever. I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell them a little bit about it.

"Well... We used to date. Then something happened and he dumped me. Then I moved here. I didn't realized he was coming here a year later. Kind of shocked me a bit. Well, a lot. Anyway, I uh, I don't know why he was beating me." I half lied. Just the end of it. When I looked up I realized they were all giving me the same surprised look.

"You're gay?" Ben asked. I don't think he meant for it to sound so rude but I answered with a bit of an attitude anyway.

"No I was dating a guy because I'm straight." Ben kind of looked hurt when I snapped at him and I apologized.

"I'm sorry, Ben. He just brings back a lot of memories I really just want to forget." He nodded, accepting my apology. We sat in a slightly awkward silence before my mother yelled that dinner was ready. We collectively sighed in relief and walked downstairs. As we ate we just made small talk and my mother seemed to take to them well. It got dark and they all left to their homes. Or wherever they lived I guess. Before he walked out Charlie got my bag from where it was sitting on the porch and handed it to me, just saying a simple "Flagpole." Awesome. I thanked him and went upstairs to my room, exhausted.

I guess I can now confirm that these guys are my friends. I mean, who else goes to a person's house and brings them the bag they lost sight of and candy, staying until dinner? I really do hope these guys think of me as their friend. It'd be nice to actually sit with someone at lunch sometimes. I got ready for bed and crashed as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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