Bad Boys

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Waking up from my somewhat peaceful slumber, I sat up only to fall back and let out a loud groan as I felt my head pound like a drum. I got up slowly and stumbled to the door, unlocking it and fumbled around until I found the banister. I inched my way downstairs and to the kitchen where a very tired looking- and very hot looking- Isaac sat with a mug in his hands.

"Coffee?" he asked, slightly tiliting his head. I simply nodded and sat down on a stool at the bar. I laid my head on my crossed arms and groaned. Soon enough a mug was placed in front of me and also a glass of water with a small pill beside it. I glanced up at him and smiled gratefully.

"It's just Advil. Take It or leave it, but with how miserable you look, I'd take it," he said simply. I took the pill and sipped my coffee, almost moaning. This was by far the best coffee I had ever tasted. I continued to sip from it as Isaac looked up at me.

"First hangover? Or did you just get way too drunk?" he asked with a laugh. I just grinned sheepishly and replied.

"Yeah. I've never really been into this kind of stuff until I met the guys. That was my first party, and first taste of alcohol." He only nodded and clapped me on the back, suddenly grinning.

"So I saw you and Megan getting pretty hot on the floor? Care to share the details?" I must have looked at him funny.

"I have no recollection of ever 'getting pretty hot' with anyone named Megan." He laughed loudly and leaned in like he had a secret to tell me.

"I'm surprised with how far your tongue was down her throat." A look of horror or disgust or maybe both must have crossed my face because he leaned back and gave me the weirdest look.

"Yeah um, that's odd because I'm actually extremely gay," I told him slowly, gauging his reaction. He looked at me, looked out the window, and then back at me before falling in a fit of laughter. In between laughs and tears he managed to say, "Dude you- you were so- you were so into it- I can't believe- holy shit." I chuckled at his immaturity and turned back in my seat.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Look, as far as we know, that never happened." He nodded before going back to his seat. His thoughtful expression soon turned into one of pure humor as he looked at me again.

"So that explains why I heard you and Lee getting it on in the guest room. Yep, saw you went up and then you guys were gone. Lost in each other. His naked body gleaming in the moonlight. His gentle kiss caressing your tender skin." He sighed dramatically and pretended to faint as I turned red as a tomato. Just as Isaac was about to reenact a seen from Romeo and Juliet, Lee walked into the kitchen. Thoughts of what Isaac had said danced around in my mind and my face burned redder than before, if that was even possible. He looked at me, smiled and then stopped when he saw how red I was. He looked at Isaac's "lifeless" body and then back to me.

"What the he-" He was cut short by Jimmy, Ben, and Charlie yawning unnecessarily loud and stomping into the kitchen. They walked over Isaac and made themselves breakfast like it was any other day. I just turned back around to rest my head on my arms, willing the pain in my head to go away.

I guess I must've fallen asleep though, because when I looked up everyone was gone. I got up and followed the voices to the patio where the guys were sitting, all with coffees or something in their hands. As I walked out they looked over at me and chuckled. I guess seeing me hungover for the first time was funny to everyone. Seeing as there were no free seats for me, I sat on the edge of the patio, which hung over the deep lake. Just as I was getting ready to ask about how last night went for them, I was shoved off the patio and into the freezing water. When I surfaced they were all looking down on me and laughing their asses off. I fake scowled up and soon the guys stripped to their underwear and dove or just jumped in. I still had all of my clothes on and remembered my binder. Dammit. What do I do now? I decided I'd make a diversion.

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