Chapter III Cafe

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I sat down in the cafe shop holding my cup of coffee staring at it with a blank expression, I never knew we were actually getting coffee, I took a quick glance at him, he was typing on his phone with a relaxed expression on his face...ok this silence is really uncomfortable for me to bare with.

"So hey thanks for saving my ass from those girls" He said finally breaking the silence.

"It's ok it wasn't a big deal" said Diana as she was still holding and staring at her coffee.

"I see you're the shy type" he said.

"No I'm not" Said Diana as she chuckle while looking at her coffee in her hands.

"Yes you are, you're wearing a hoodie looking all mysterious and I happen to like mysterious girls."He said.

Wait what? he like flirting with me or something?.

"how do you know my name like I mean I've never talked to you". I said.

"What if I told you I can read minds" he said.

"Oh really then what I'm i thinking?" I said as i crossed my hands on my chest.

"Okay you got me I can't read minds" he said laughing."To be honest I kinda just guessed you're name".

"Seriously you gussed my name?" said Diana looking marvelled."anyway enough with me, you never told me your name?".

"I'm Damian Lockwood" said Damian as he smile

"Nice meeting you officially Damian" Said Diana as she smiled at him.

We talked and laughed about so many things while getting to know each other,it was really fun though.

"I've never really met a girl whose good at videogames, like seriously you should play online sometime." He says.

"Yeah I'll think about it". I said, Smiling as I took my phone out to check the time and it was kinda getting late though.

"I really need to be heading home" Diana said standing up picking her bag while Damian followed behind her to the exit of the cafe.

"It was nice getting to know you Diana". Damian said as he smirked at me.

"Yeah me too" i said as i smiled at him. And then we went our separate ways.


I got home just in time. Mehn I never realized how hungry I was, I opened the fridge to take my left over pizza that was in the fridge but it was missing. I was mad cause I don't joke with my pizza!.

I went to the living room where my siblings are.

"Who ate my pizza?!." I asked non of them replied.

My two brothers were playing FIFA and I went to switch off the TV cause that's the only way I could get their attention and I know I'm gonna regret but I don't care.

"Yo! Diana WTF!...WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR!?... Gabriel shouted at me.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!...Jeff shouted too.

"Who in the fuck ate the slice of pizza I left in the fridge?!". I said.

"Oh my God would you all shut up already". Jennifer my sister said as she walked towards us.

"You shut up Jennifer!, why are you here anyway."said Jeff.

"You idiot I live here and I could hear you voices from my room duh!" Jennifer said while she rolled her eyes.

"I know its between you guys, Everytime this happens, and I'm not gonna tolerate this shit anymore"said Diana frowning at her brothers.

"Well it wasn't me"said Jeff.

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