Unexpected visit

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Arrived at school.

Lisa: POV I was still on jungkook's  and everyone was watching it was so embarrassing.

We went into my class and everyone was settled down already.

Lisa: Jungkook brought me over to my chair and put me down gently. He was about to leave but I pulled his arm so he was down to where I was sitting and hugged him as a thank you.

Jungkook: I was startled but happy. I left the classroom dazed.

Jennie: I was jealous and I couldn't deny it.

Chaesoo: wow!

Jisoo: hey Lisa

Lisa: oh hi unnie!

Rosé: hey, um lis-

Teacher: alright, I will be picking your groups fir the dance and singing competition. There will be boy and girl groups for the singing competition where you will be expected to make dance routines with it. For the dance competition you will just be expected to make your own dance routine and it will be solo. Now for groups.

Lisa,Jennie,jisoo and rosé will be a group and you can choose a name.

Ji-won,Chung-Hee,Choi-park,Kim- dayhun.



The bell rings for lunch.

Lisa starts hopping out the door.

Jisoo:  do you need any help?

Lisa: no unnie I'm good jungkook should be here to help me.

Jennie: Are you sure?

Lisa: silent

Rosé:  look Lisa I want to say that it-

Lisa: it was not what it looked like? Yeah I've heard that way too many times to bother believing it. Ok? I said. I wiped my eyes and jungkook came.

Jungkook: are you okay cutie?

Jennie: don't call her that! 

Lisa: I can be called what I want.

Jungkook: cmon' Lis. I'll drive you home.

Lisa: you might want to tell my parents that it was you who I was with yesterday because they are like that.

Jungkook: ok (smiles) 

Lisa: wow I didn't know you smiled.

Jisoo: wait, you were with him yesterday??

Lisa: yes after specific EVENTS happened I needed someone to talk to and I ran into him then I was very tired so I fell asleep and I woke up at his place and had breakfast and fell that's why my leg hurts.

Rosé: look Lisa nothing happened the only reason I was hugging Jennie was because she needed comforting just like how you hugged jungkook for comforting.

Lisa: it's ok chipmunk I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions.

Jennie: Lisa,I'm sorry.

Lisa: it's fine. I don't even know why I acted that way. I have to go now anyways.

Jisoo: Lisa can I stay over tomorrow? Please lemario

Lisa: oki , bye.

Jungkook: you girls take ages to talk.

Lisa: whatever (smiles)

Jennie: I see Lisa smiling at him and I know I will never be able to make her smile like that.

Teacher: before you lovebirds go (looking at liskook)

Liskook: WHAT?!? Were not dating!

Chaesoo: yeah yeah if you say so.

Jisoo: regrets what she said  looks at Jennie whose forcing a smile.

Rosé: oh 

Teacher: Lisa your mum said you guys are going on a holiday in a week and you can bring up to four people because your aunt and cousins aren't coming anymore.

Jenchuchaeng: lucky! 

Lisa: how about you all come with me?? So we can get to know each other some more.

All: Yas.

Teacher: one last thing, Lisa your parents are bringing their work partners and their sons.

Lisa: cool.

Teacher: that's where jungkook comes along their his partners and his brother.

ALL: whattttt.

Teacher: yep, bye

They all said bye. 

Lisa arrived home and jungkook met her parents who loved him.

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