At the Hospital (Stupid Drunk drivers!)

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Naomi's P.O.V.

The boys are ok, thank god! Phil is upset, I'm broken-hearted (crazy ex-boyfriend, as always), Chris has a concussion, and PJ has a fractured wrist. Phil called his friend Dan, who I don't know (I think I might know him, though). But when he got here, I remembered that we were in the same university course! Law. It sucked, so we dropped out.

Dan's P.O.V.
I woke up to an incoming phone call from Phil.

(Bold=Dan, Italics=Phil)

What do you need? I just woke up!

One, its 4 o'clock, and two, Peej and Chris are in the hospital.


You heard me right, now get over here!

I hung up, got dressed, grabbed a power bar, the house keys, a coat, my high tops, and ran out of the door. The hospital isn't too far from our flat, so I ran. Yes, Dan Howell, Internet addict, ran. I don't think the people I ran into were too happy, though. Do I look like I give a shit? No! My only IRL friends (aside from Phil) are in the FUCKING HOSPITAL!!! I ran in and shouted at the woman working. "WHAT ROOM ARE CHRIS KENDALL AND PJ LIGOURI IN?" "Room 207, 2nd floor, take a left, halfway down." "Thank you!" I said panting.

Chris's P.O.V.
I wake up in...(THE MORNIN' FEELIN LIKE P DIDDY) a hospital? What happened? Oh yeah, car crash. I bolted upright and hollered, "FUCK DRUNK DRIVERS!"
"WHAT THE HELL, CHRIS?" Pj screeched.

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