Chapter 5

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I quickly ran to the back to change and count the money I received. In this club, nobody is allowed to throw singles so you know I was always stacked.

“Kat!” Roscoe yelled walking towards me.


“Your requested in the VIP room.” I quickly put my stuff in my purse and put a lock on it then put it in the lockers that were provided by roscoe,, although we had to buy our own locks, I felt everything was safe.

I walked into the VIP room to see Hykeem and some of his boys there. I rolled my eyes and went on the mini stage and did my thing on the pole. When I was done, I was gonna leave until Hykeem asked for a lap dance. I rolled my eyes and gave him his lap dance.

“So this is what you doin for money now?” I ignored him and then he slapped my ass hard and I smacked him in his face.

“No touchin mufucka” I said and he clenched his jaw.

“I can touch my girl if I want to” I laughed in his face.

“I’m not ya girl” I said getting up and collecting my money. I went to the back and of course there were a few girls back there. I counted out 4 G’s and was smiling ear to ear. I put my money away and when I turned around, I saw Hykeem standing there.  “You can’t be in here” I said walking back to my vanity mirror.

“I can be wherever I please Katia” I rolled my eyes and he looked at me in the mirror. “You look beautiful”

“Whatever Hykeem” I said getting up to find my last outfit of the day.

“I’m serious ma” He grabbed my waist and I pushed him off of me.

“Keep your hands off of me Hykeem!” I yelled.

“Bitch, who the fuck do you think you’re yelling at?”

“You mufucka” He slapped me and I fell to the ground.

“What was that now?” I punched him right in his balls and soon, we had a brawl. He had the upper hand but I was still kicking his ass.

“Get off of me” I yelled as he pinned my down.

“Nope, you wanna play right?” He said snatching my underwear off.

“GET OFF OF ME” I screamed louder and he bit his bottom lip as he pulled his 8 inch dick out of his pants.

“Come on, you know you want daddy’s dick”

“Stop Hykeem please” I yelled and soon, Roscoe came in and held a gun to Hakeem’s head.

“Get the fuck off of her mufucka” He yelled and Hykeem stood up. I curled into a fetal position and Roscoe threatened Hykeem.

“This aint over” Hykeem yelled and I got scared. At least he doesn’t know where I live. Roscoe and the girls tried to help me get together. I put my regular clothes on and cut roscoe off with his 5% and I left the club. I went home and on the doorstep was a vase with Rosses inside. I smiled and picked it up before going in the house and reading the card.

To the most beautiful woman that caught my eye


I smiled and was gonna call him until I realized I didn’t have his number. Luckily, my cell rang and a number popped up.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hey, did you get the roses? Damion asked.

“Of course, their beautiful, thank you, you just made my day a lot better” I said smelling the roses again.

“Awe, I’m happy…you want to talk to me about your day?”

“It’s a long story” I sighed.

“Well, how about you get changed and come outside and escort me to dinner”

“Your outside?” I asked looking through me window.

“Yeah” He waved and I chuckled.

“Well park and come in cause it’s gonna take a while” I said opening the door for him. We hung up and he made his way up the stairs. I hugged him as he entered the house.

“Wow, nice apartment”

“Thanks, let me hop in the shower, make yourself at home” I said going into the bathroom to shower. I took my time making sure I was fresh and clean and when I got out, I saw this dude listening to Ne-yo singing on the television. I shook my head and went into the bedroom to get dressed. I made sure I looked nice and came out to see him looking on myself at the pictures I had.

“You ready?” I asked him as he examined one of the photos.

“Yeah, but uhm, who’s that?” He asked pointing to my older sister.

“My older sister, she’s a model now”

“That’s where I recognize her from…she was in one of my music videos” He explained and I nodded my head. WE walked to his car and we were off to dinner.

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